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Parents face jail under tough WA drug laws

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I haven't heard any people crying out for tougher laws... apart from pollies on the hustings, I suppose you can call them 'people' if you use the term loosely enough.


If you go and ask the average joe citizen what they think of the new laws as per the propaganda they've based their opinion on, I bet majority of the responses you'll get back are along the lines of "good, shouldn't be doing drugs anyway" or "if you don't do anything wrong then you'll have nothing to worry about".

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actually today on conservative talk back AM radio in perth , it was all about drugs thanks to ben cousins . A lot of people seem to feel he has been unfairly targeted and the possession with intent to sell or supply charge isnt warranted (in WA 2g of meth = sell or supply , ben had 4g) . The state's cannabis laws were breifly discussed to


I look on these type of laws and nearing the end of prohibition . When the ever increasing get tough on crime laws fail , there is no where left to go . The pendulum naturally swings back in favour of harm reduction and sensible legislation .


what is really going to push things forward in the next few years is the large amount of long term data that will be coming from the medical MJ states and countries . The fact that they are doing well while get tough laws totally fail will be impossible to refute or ignore

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here in wa we refer to it as the fatherland




here is fuhrer barnett announcing these new laws to his adoring public . after this the police tasered some local youth and medical cannabis users for the enjoyment of all liberal party supporters



That is quite honestly the funniest shit anybody could have posted.


Kudos to you, sir.




On Topic: WA can suck some dick as far as I'm concerned. They bitch and bitch about the mining tax and now I hear this?


So sad. It looks like such a beautiful city, otherwise.

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That is quite honestly the funniest shit anybody could have posted.


Kudos to you, sir.




On Topic: WA can suck some dick as far as I'm concerned. They bitch and bitch about the mining tax and now I hear this?


So sad. It looks like such a beautiful city, otherwise.


lol, I from WA man. Well when most of the money coming outta WA mines ends up payin for your shit in the East, yeah theres a problem. Mining Tax? which one? Seems you guys over there find a new way to tax our mines every 6 months, just want money for nothing. If WA suceeded from Australia, the rest of the country would be in the shit, so a lil respect eh?

People over here bustin arse in pits, shafts, and open pits and we got shit infrastructure, for pumpin out Billions and Billions of dollars a year....... tell me whats right about that.

And people from the east move over here in mass numbers for our mining jobs and just complain were backwards........, we just more relaxed man, we dont kill ourselves with the stress of living.

But oh no, we dont have 24 hour pubs and 7 day extended shopping hours, so we must be tards........ Twats........

We don't treat the East like ya wankers........Newbie.

Got enuff trouble with Cannabis laws.........which is what the thread was about............. Peace. Nibbler (Proud West Aussie).


Peace. Nibbler

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