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NSW told to Speed up Medical Cannabis!

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Source: ABC News


The New South Wales Government is being accused of moving too slowly in allowing some people to legally use cannabis for therapeutic relief.


Patients with chronic pain from cancer, HIV/AIDS and other illnesses came to NSW Parliament, calling on the Government to legalise cannabis for the use of pain relief.


Premier Bob Carr has supported the idea of a trial of cannabis for medical purposes.


One of the patients, Ron, says politicians are happy to talk in favour of the plan but keep failing to implement it.


He says patients with severe pain who use cannabis do not want to feel like criminals.


"When is somebody going to do something?" he asked. "When is somebody actually going to do it?"

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would implementing legal medicinal cannabis use for pain relief entail supervised cultivation of Marijuana & prescription pot? or would it just provide the user with 'permision' to aquire and use cannabis?

i've learned that there are a few prescription pills available for pain which they're main ingredient is THC.

any views on the subject?

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The NSW plan is that a person would aquire a permission slip from a doctor to grow up to five plants for his own use. The arguements that surround it are do the police get notified or not, etc...


However, as they said, it's been so long since they knocked the plan out, who knows if it's changed or not.


They discussed the pills but talked them down. Apparently, the effects are so widely experienced they are of little medical value. Experienced smokers at time were spun out by the intesity of the pills, and other's claimed it din't do anything for them at all...



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yer i wouldn't mind trying them :rolleyes:

i just think it's insane that so many people are in so much pain and have ireversable terminal illnesses etc and the government is denying them of a relief drug that's less dangerous than tobacco and alchohol together!

not to mention the revenue if they started taxing comercial cannabis..... fuk they get that much revenue off fuel, tobacco products and alchohol and pubs n related stuff it's not funny.

plus eradicating the black market for cannabis and crime rate from expensive prices etc!

theres just soo many more positive facts opposed to illresearched bullshit opinions of stiff necked beurocratic fat cunts to legalise cannabis (at the very least for medical use) it's absolutely insane.

i'm only new to the whole war against the war against cannabis because i didn't think it was that big of an issue untill now, but now i'm keen to do whatever i can.


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Wow , the bigwigs are really movin this one thru quickly ...


I prescribe a big fat cone or 3 just for the boredom of waiting for positive change in this screwy world.


I am not a criminal , in fact , they are the ones who are criminal.

I have been treated unfairly and unjustly by the powers that enslave us. And I demand satisfaction.


I choose to use an age old Herbal medecine to alleviate my health problems.

Most of the manufactured money raking drugs that the corporations make are very damaging to the body.

And In the case of extreme pain or illness , these drugs can kill you quicker than the symptoms. Cancer etc.


Hallucinagens are comparably harmless.


What is it that creates so many half-wit morons on this planet. Why on Earth am I here. They talk about progress , but all they do is rape and kill and destroy. I don't understand why they don't understand.

No matter how much I may try , I still feel it somewhat futile.

In saying that tho , I try as hard as I can to live as free as I can. No matter the restraints placed apon me.


I have Nature on my side , And I know the truth of this , and if others are too blind/ignorant to see , then it is their loss , and not to be placed on me.


Budman ... Naturally Medicated.


(Ignorance is not Bliss)

Fuck Cancer.

And Fuck The System for creating It.

And Fuck Ignorant Half-wit humans.

For Creating Such A Fucked System.

I could go on for ages.

But wont.



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