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just started my grow

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hey all,

just wanted to let you know I have started my grow.

On Friday arvo I threw 4 white widow seeds and 4 early misty seeds into some water for 24 hours.

On sat I planted them into a seedling tray.

By mon arvo two of the Early misty were visible and by this arvo all 4 early misty and 2 white widow have surfaced. The first two of the EM to surface are powering away (about 10mm tall).


This is heaps better so far than I expected, but I suppose anything can happen. I wa really only hoping to grow 2 or 3, but hey.....................I'm not one to complain ;)


I'd love to get my hands on a digi camera to show you guys my progress.

take it easy

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heya matey,


Firstly in reply to your question in my outdoor grow guide thread, yeah i ride in a 2002 S15 200sx/Silvia


and congratulations on starting your outdoor grow, we are a fine breed that tends to frown upon those damn hydro farmers ( probably because they get quicker and largers yields, damn bastards ;) ) hehehe

All jokes aside i hope your grow is a productive and happy one, trust me there is nothing better than going outside and every morning and noting your plants progress ;)


The yield question is kind of like saying how long is a piece of string, but considering the time of year and strains, i'd say youd look at around 2 ounces per plant, mabye more. But even then thats 2 ounces per plant youd didnt have to pay for ;)


best of luck and let me know if i can be of any help with questions etc, although posting on here guarentees a mix of the finest growers opinions in aus ;)


cheers and good luck

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thanx 200,

nice car by the way!

your right on about going out in the morning to check your progress, Its funny but I love looking at the little fuckers and seeing how much they have changed.


As far as yields go, I am not that concerned as it is my first grow since my high school daze ;) so whatever turns up is cool



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