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Downloading grief



I don't wish to bring anyone down but I have just come from visiting hospital and I need to download some grief to get it off my chest.


Sorry to do this but occaisionally I need to off load some of the depressive stuff so I can face the hospital again the next day.


Was visiting a friend (and member of SICC) and boy is he doing bad. He was been treated for pneumomia and has been in hospital since well before Xmas. Laying in a hospital bed can be like a long haul flight and sure enough BANG a deep vein thrombosis. Nearly killed him. Spent 4 days in ICU. Covered from head to toe in bruising from having very low platelets (natural blood clotting agents). Wow he looks bad and is in much pain discomfort etc. He has been sick on and off for about 19 to 20 years and is one of the people whose lust for life has motivated me to political actions and indeed to get SICC of Sydney up and running.


I sat with him as he told me that this is the worst 3 months of his life, he says he is not sure how much longer he can put up with this. He has asked me to assist him in writing 'goodbye' letters to family and friends. Depressing stuff .... infact distressing ;) ;) ;) We cried together for sometime. But I was here to cheer him up so I started to crack jokes as usual, some say I have a bizzare sense of humor, but if the topic is death, well, the jokes are as well.


I put on a brave mask when visiting hospitals, I joke a lot about illness and medical procedures, always coming out with one liners etc. Even terminally ill patients enjoy a laugh.


Then something really nice happened ( well sort of at least). A patient from another bed came over and said I thought it was you I could hear your voice. it turned out to be a client of a charity I do volunteer work for, in for chemo for a lymphoma. We chatted about cannabis and I asked if he 'did' medical use, to which the reply was "of course".


BRASH "here is my card"

PATIENT " what are you doing"

I explained the concept of SICC and he was stunned. He had previously thought I was just an attention seeker who did interviews just to be seen on TV.


Now we have a new member and a nice bloke as well. Pity about the vomiting ;)


A catering staff member came along and asked if anyone would like a drink, I turned around and said to the entire ward (4 beds + other visitors) 'I don't know about the others but I would love a vodkatini with a twist please" much merriment amongst the patients.


I have introduced myself to the nursing staff as I am destined to become a regular visitor to this ward for sometime yet.


Thanks for letting me download my grief ... sorry if i brought anyone down, but I'm feeling much better after writing this and will face the hospital with a smile on the dial tomorrow.

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decided not to just bring you guys down.


Just wrote this e-mail and sent it to all 135 elected reps of NSW.


Open letter to all the elected representatives of New South Wales:


Dear Honourable Members,


As a matter of urgency, I write to you about the pain and suffering your inaction is causing to some of your constituents, their families and loved ones.


I am Justin Brash and many of you will remember me as a well-dressed Medical Cannabis protester with the cheeky turn of phrase out the front of Parliament last December. Today, I do not joke or use amusing one-liners.


I was planning to wait until February to write to you all, as my political actions will recommence when Parliament resumes. I am attempting to gain weight but have continued to lose it. Since Parliament rose I have lost a further 4 kilograms, so I may be far slimmer when you see me next, but enough about me.


I changed my mind about waiting until February after visiting two very, very ill VOTERS in a Sydney hospital and had to write to express my distress and pain at seeing friends extremely ill when both myself and the patients know their suffering could be eased by the medical use of cannabis. I am legally unable to help them. You, however, all can help, if you so desire.


I ask now and I expect a response from every honourable member (because you are paid to represent us), the following questions:


When will you allow people some quality of life and dignity in the face of serious illness? When will you show the people you represent some compassion? Will any of you visit an oncology ward or a palliative unit and speak to patients? Hear the distress in their voices, see the pain in their eyes?


Many of you believe in Christ. Will you act in a Christian fashion and help stop human suffering? If not, WHY?


The people who put you in power ARE SUFFERING, Do you have the honour and personal integrity to assist these people in their end-stage illnesses?


I ask these questions on behalf of all New South Wales patients that may benefit from cannabis. Some of these voters will definitely die before the next election but their families still vote.


Yours, in anger and disgust at the continued inaction of this House,


Mr Brash


Mr. Justin Brash

email: mrbrash@iprimus.com.au

snail: PO Box 308 Surry Hills, NSW, 2010

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decided not to just bring you guys down.

Brash, you are providing an essential service that many of our politicians choose to ignore, if you "need to off load some of the depressive stuff so I can face the hospital again the next day" do it, if anyone objects then they will have a few irate mods to deal with.


My views on what you are doing - Right on Mr Brash, this planet needs a lot more people with your attitudes and compassion.

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I'm just doing my little bit nothing special.

Crap, what you are doing is very special to those stuck in the hospital wards and who gives a stuff about the motivation, you are doing fantastic work and giving a heap of pollies a conscience, just don't let any thoughtless arseholes get you down.

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I almost didn't know how to reply to your post for a mo.........Firstly, don't apologize for it. If you ever need to get something like that off your chest, you'll find a majority of us will give you support, 100%

The fact you can go into wards like that and keep a smile on your face for someone else makes you amazing.

I've spent a little bit of time around pallative care, mostly for cancer. It's the knowledge that you're making it a little bit easier for them, bringing a bit of happiness to them that may only last a little while, but means one hell of a lot to the person who's ill.

But it can be very hard some days, and those are the days you might need a little support. Anytime mate ;)

You're always welcome to 'Download grief' here if ever you feel the need ;)

And I think what you're are doing politically is brilliant, I know you'll make a big difference.

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Brash, I really like your style and what you are doing. Lots of people talk about changing things, but few actually do anything constructive about it (like me). So I take my hat off to you. You are doing something, and doing it very well from what you've posted on this site.


My sympathy goes out to you and your friends. I'm just a lowly hetro recreational user, but you have my support for what its worth. If you ever need financial donations for anything specific, be sure to post on this site. I can't speak for everyone but you would definitely get a contribution from me.


Keep up the good work mate, and don't ever think what you're doing is insignificant, its far from it.

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Brash... words fail me.


Well, maybe this. You are amongst the bravest, most courageous, most honourable members this site has had the privelige of having as a member, and I think I'll speak for most of the membership here when I say...


























YOU ROCK! Keep up the good work mate, you're doing something that is greater than any or all of us put together. The fight against cannabis prohibition, most especially in the cases of medicinal need and palliative care, is not a small one, or one in which the contributors can be ashamed of, it's one of the greatest fights for human rights of the sick and dying, as well as the general populace, in the history of mankind. We shall prevail, we shall win, because we are not only right, we are proving it everyday by giving the law the respect it deserves in this regard. None. :angry:


I will support you and any endeavour you embark on. You contribution is a great one, and should only .00001% of the people who smoke cannabis are willing to stand with you and fight as you are, then the world is in for a shock in the next few years. ;)

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sorry to here of your mates situation dude, it really sucks to see those around you suffer.

Infact I'd go as far as saying there is nothing worse, that feeling of helplessness is completely fucked.

Your outlook on this is inspirational, I hope you and your buddy pull through!

keep spreading the word

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