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termpaper on marijuana

Guest travis hatler

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Nah, it's not legal although some states have decriminalised small amounts.


Reasons for smoking pot:

• Stress relief (helps resist the urge to choke the crap out of some prick that richly deserves it).

• Terminally ill people can benefit from its use

• People suffering chronic pain

• Recreational use (no hangovers)

• Healthier than cigarettes and alcohol (personal opinion due to lack of government research).

• Fewer side effects than cigarettes and alcohol.

• No recorded deaths or serious illnesses have been linked to cannabis use


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I have one main reason why i smoke, it's my choice, i chose not to drink alcohol ( like most of the people at my work who have to go home and drink at least a 6pack everynight ), i used to be a closet alcho for the 10 years i spent in the defence force, i didnt like who i was was when i was pissed up, i neglected friends , family and myself , my selfesteem was low as a direct result from my pissed up actions. I even spent alot of time in the can due to my stoopid actions when i was pissed.


So when i left the Army i decided to learn how to grow and smoke only on weekends, and special occasions i may have a drink or two, anyway to cut a long story short things are going great for us as a family unit and i think MJ has really had a positive impact on us, the wife and i actually sit and talk for hours after a smoke and i am allways totally focused towards my kids.


I just cant understand how the Government can sponsor a horrible drug like Alchohol and completly shut down peoples right to chose use of somthing as natural and bueatifull as MJ, sorta shows how fukked up Human values can be......

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It's a fucking sad state of affairs when we need a reason to smoke weed. If it was legal, we could say we did it just because it feels good to do (the same reason why some people drink alcohol) Because it's not legal we have to justify ourselves for smoking it, fucking crazy when you think about it :P


That said, apart from the fact I enjoy smoking it plain and simple. I use it for medical reasons. A spliff before bedtime means a decent pain free nights sleep with no side effects. It means a minimum 60mg of prescription Codeine with all its crappy side effects is not going into my system every night (it doesn't even work quarter as well as a few tokes on a big fatty)

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I tried it in my teens & over did it ..a bit too much ..

it screwed up my brains ... so I quit ..

got my life together & now 20 years later , I'm successful & well off...


Now I came back to trying it because I enjoyed the sensual enhancement it creates .... I use it to listen to music & creative things like songwriting & poetry ... It makes me foccused on things & I particularly enjoy conversations & exchange of ideas with friends...


it enhances the visual arts & the imagination ...


I just don't over do it now ..like I did when I was a kid...

once a week at most...


moderation... & sensible use. :P

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