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You are right naycha it is on the outside.

Its the water that freezes and condensates on the outside of the glass.

If the inside is baked dry in a moderate oven, a bit like curing glass jars for preserving, there will be no moisture to affect the pollen in the freezer.

Reports of pollens from ice melts surviving have been made so I cant see why it can't work in your home freezer.



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Cheers Merlin :thumbsup:


Just read somewhere that it should go in the fridge for a few days before the freezer to make sure the pollen is dry so it won't rupture when freezing.


Lush #2 (SFV OG Kush x Lemon Thai)


Leaves started out very fat and after flowering have progressed to much thinner, supposedly a Lemon Thai trait :punk:





Naycha :peace:

Edited by Naycha
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OK I've just hunted and got some info for ya

You can freeze it but only once. some people freeze it in little lightproof aluminium foil packages with only a small amount in each so as not to waste

Another Idea is to use cotton buds wiped through the pollen then frozen and remove only the cotton buds you want to use for that pollenation

Also if you do put it in a jar and freeze it, remove the jar from the freezer and allow it to raise to room temp before opening. This will lessen the condensation effects


Hope it helps


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hey nay wicked thread ...shame i got rid of the dynamite male pics...actually i think there is one in dani's girls gone wild thread..try and move it


also great info from merlin..pack in seperate lots ,with enough for a run in each ,dont wanna be opening and closing ya containers,every time...

only thing else id do is get a pack of disadence (those water collecting cyrstals) and put in jar or whatever ya store in ..you usally get a pack in with those sushie rolls packs ..they change colour when used up too so ya know when to replace...


in a female based forum its nice to see the blokes get a chance to show off..

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