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Fairly sure of a girl, plz help reassure me :)


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Here is my first plant and girl ( i hope:) ) She has been going a couple of months now, and was starting to show indifferent primordia, but im fairly sure these are now calyx's, as two thin hairs are starting to emerge from the preflowers, please glance at my pic and post some opinions on sex :P


thanks guys, keep on growin


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Yup, thar she blows.... It's a girl! Congratulations mate.... well on your way to buddage.


Plant looks nice too, you may consider tipping it in the next grow, keeps the height down and increases the overall yeild... you'll have a lovely x-mas tree of buds there soon....


I know stealth is a major factor in any outdoor growing, but give that lady as much light as you can mate... more light=more yeild and more potent buds.


Keep us updated mate. :P

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Woohoo! :P


haha yeah tipping was definatly considered, but considering it was my first grow i didnt want to kill the poor thing due to inexperience :P


Do you have msn luke? your advice during the rest of my grow would be really helpful, i'll keep you updated, pm me with msn email, otherwise ill just keep in contact over the board.


im a happy man, thanks again champ !!!

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hey 200sx

congrats its a girl.....but here,s a little something to help avoid the prob of whether its male or fem...when germinating a seed/s

after 3 weeks of 24hr turn your fluro down to 6hrs on 18hrs off for 2-3 days all males will show their balls then remove them and go back to 24hrs the girls will continue to veg and u will allway only have girls in your garden...cheersWS :D

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