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2 weeks out from harvest methodology ! what do you do?

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was just talking with a mate ,about old times and what we used to do just out from harvest time! Without checking to see if there is already a post on this subject , i though perhaps we could all share ideas on what each other do prior to harvesting our yearly outdoor smoko . i used to not water 2 weeks out from harvesting and try to harvest just after the hottest part of the day ! plus a few other little things but ill start the thread and see what others do before i start throwing other things in so i dont sound too weird ? so who goes next regards pf
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Not a great deal - it's a time for early morning coffee chattin to the girls :twiddle: - inspections for pests - removal of dead leaf litter - & as I'm not true gruella but a pot-urban-gruella lift da pots to see how the roots & water is doin - :db:

I'm sure others have tricks & tools - I've got mini manecuring sheers for trimming away leaf & hone the skills for the bud-manicure to come :rolleyes:



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nice one nitty and mcdoggy thanks for chucking in your opinions i too am no longer a tru gorilla any more as we get our silver backs we tend to become urban pot apes as you say me prob more monkey than ape !!!! can you go into looking at the roots a bit what are you looking for ! root rot? dead tap roots ? who knows ? not me !! and yes those little scissors i used to have some years ago where would you get em these days bunnungs ?
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was just talking with a mate ,about old times and what we used to do just out from harvest time! Without checking to see if there is already a post on this subject , i though perhaps we could all share ideas on what each other do prior to harvesting our yearly outdoor smoko . i used to not water 2 weeks out from harvesting and try to harvest just after the hottest part of the day !


Not sure if the topic has been covered before n the same way but these things come and go and sometimes get lost in the forums.


I've tried many variations including feeding up until the last week, flushing 2 weeks out, a week out, 3 days out lol and everything in between almost, in some ways it sounds cliched but it is very much strain and system dependant. For soil 2 weeks is good but something like DWC 5 days to a week is enough and i'm sure things like coco and perlite etc would be somewhere thereabouts.


As for techinques sukonmiskunk (rad grower) used to flush with pineapple juice and has tried numerous other combos, i;ve heard of splitting trunks and boiling roots in all sorts of solutions, playin with light hrs, cuttin in mornin, night, lunctime and just after you scratched your balls with your left hand, not to mention crazy shit like using late term flushing solutions and shit. The list is endless but the result is the same K.i.S.S and do what works for you.




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Thanks guys in regards to pineapple juice matemof mine used to water his outdoor plot with cordial two weeks out from harvest his last waterfor them used to be cordial he sweared buy it saying sweeled the colas right up pistals full and sugar leaves coated in goodness perhaps this was due to the sugar content in the cordial?? I wonder what snapping the branches would do ??? Any idea chef chef Merlinmcheers on the sciszors will check out office work??? Who else got some ideas ??? Starting to get interesting i must say !!!! Peace all the feather
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