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small looking buds?

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ok my plants are exactly 3 mths old now, they started indoors under a HPS, and have had them outdoors for about the last mth or so because the light was too hot to run in the hot weather. Anyway all i used was osmocote when i moved them to the larger pots about half way thru the grow, do these buds look a bit small? i reckon they look a bit pathetic myself :rolleyes: is it too late to add some more nutes? the weather here in Vic has been a bit inconsistent until the last 2 weeks where its been sunny everyday, before that we had 3 weeks of 33 for a few days then like 15 the next few so maybe that explains partly the lack of new buds/growth :D

oh and one plant has kinda drooped for some unknown reason, i think its dying :D


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yep what he said :rolleyes:


man i'd steer away from ozmocote to finish it.

it is synthetic and you probably won't won't fully leach the chem out out properly.


see if you can get some organic folar fert. or even just potassium teas when she gets heading properly. just make sure you only give water the last 2 weeks to leach out the chems. don't worry about her missing out on nutes. if she needs anything she can get it from the soil particles which are holding excess nutes :D


but really for future outdoor grows, i reckon it's a better idea to get the nutes into the soil at least a month before planting. the more organic the better. the month standing gets those little micro organisms moving.


best of luck with ya grow mate.



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hmm ok what about if i covered them with something to stop the light getting in at about 5.30pm which would balance it out to around 12/12 ?

yeah i keep forgetting i can use more organic ferts now its outdoors and the smell wont be as bad, imagine putting manure or fish ferts on it indoors hahaha stinky! :rolleyes:

should i prune more of the larger leaves off it or will it mess with growth?

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Guest BudWaver

hey kermit I just put some semi flowering gws outside and luckily they have now reverted back to growing....


I wouldnt put anything outside now unless you plan on growing it

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your plant looks nice and healthy mate just keep watering and then sit back and smoke a few cones, she'll be ready when she's ready.


yeah i keep forgetting they are woman after all, of course i have to wait till they're ready :P im just a little nervous my luck will run out and some nosy fuck witl find them and dob me in i guess, so i figure the longer they're outside the more chance of that happening...ah well, just cross my fingers i guess.... :P

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..Dude the plant is only in very early stages of flowering, as BudWaver mentioned most plants out at this time are still veging so your just gonna have to have some patience my friend.....

...Plant looks very healthy - looks Sativa dominant to me...so might take longer to finish as well......

..I'd do as white_cluster said and also maybe dose it fortnightly with a Gen purpose water soluable Nutrient......Also prepare yourself for some dank buds!!!! :P

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