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Nut. Temp. temp for aero/hydro


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Im trying to improve my methods of growing so for my new grow I want to try new things. I was going to warm my nutrient temp. with a nutrient heater.

I have a Aero grow were the roots grow in a chamber with spayers, It worked excellent last grow!!!! I had temps in the nutrient tank at room temp before like 70 would warming it to 80's degrees which will make it more humid and arrid in the chamber is this a good idea???


Also which are better heaters? Titanium or Glass, i thought that metals made nutrient blocks or seomthing?]



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hey kaliking, you'll need to talk in degrees centigrade for us dumb Aussies, we don't understand your weird measurement system :rolleyes:


anyway, 70 degrees farenheit is about 21 degrees celsius, which as far as I know is about the right temp for the rootzone. I'm not sure if you'll achieve a lot by raising it up above 80, other than inviting problems for yourself as various types of root disease and other problems are much more prevalent at higher temperatures.


I would suggest you leave your rootzone temps alone, especially since you already have your system working well in this regard.

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yeah if thats the coldest its gonna get don't worry about a nute heater, i set mine to 20deg c in winter when I need because the water stays at 20deg c through the day but usually heats up more when the sun comes out, so in places with hot days cold nights its best to either not use one or set it alot lower than you need it, always run your lights at night to keep temps more even, I like running from 6 till 6 usually, and also bigger resevoirs and more water will keep the temps more even so they wont drop so far at night.


Anyways, I never seen a metal one so I'd say glass because they are pretty cheap and very effective for there wattage, get a smaller one if you worry about the power because once they have heated the water up once almost any size heater can keep any size res at the right temp, try to keep the nute heater in the path of the waterflow or with a airstone underneath it or it will just heat up the water around it and itself, and don't trust the suction caps, they work fine on glass but in hydro plastic res you should either glue it on or put it on the bottom of the res.

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Hey thanks pipeman and Wc.


Yeah im really just trying to improve the small things.


I think I actually need to worry more about lowering the air temp.in the grow room, its usually around 75% (23.89 celcius) when I am just using my little halide, but when i switch to bigger lights temps go above 85 degrees (29.4 celcius) constantly even though Im venting the light reflector.

Should I be looking for a cheap way to cool the air, Or do you think that if i remove my 2 ballasts from my grow closet you think that will be enough to drop it to were i want it below 80degrees or below 26 celcius.


Anyone know of really cheap portable A.C. units for around $200?


Hey pipeman and Wc, What strains are you using on your grow?

Do you guys grow the same bud or do you change strains? Im constantly growing new strains I find, Just started to grow Sudden Impact from rodwal, look for pics soon.

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moving the ballasts outside the grow area is a good idea and might get the temperature down a couple of degrees, which is all you need anyway.


I've only grown one strain so far, but plan to do others. You can use that money you were going to spend on a heater to buy another strain. :rolleyes:


If you really want to improve your grow look into CO2 injection. Doesn't work well in small cupboards with constant ventilation, but its something to think about.

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I was looking at using Co2, but i wasnt sure if the effects would cover the cost. I know of only 2 ways to use co2 thats by burning natural gas or to simply inject Co2 using Co2 tanks, which you have to refill.

Has anyone seen firsthand the effects of incressing the Co2 ammount in the air?

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yeah co2 tanks are really for bigger rooms, more for getting a few extra pounds than a few extra oz, but if combined with an air-con you will have a sweet setup.

I've personally seen the effectsa from a c02 gen I got but only used once, works good and tanks would be a good purchase if you had deep pockets, but there is lots of toys that would be good, light-rails wouldn't be bad either, but the best value for money way to improve your new crop is fresh new genetics, buy yourself a new strain, i grow a new strain or 2 every crop.

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Guest weekprik

co2 makes the plant grow faster, it doesnt produce any more buds.

I tried it once and its just shit, save your money. and anyone who thinks otherwise (proove it),



Same goes for the heater, you wont need it unless your nutes are getting under 65deg F, I had nute heaters in 2 grows and it never made any difference. Infact they can be downright dangerous to use, as mine ran dry and blew up, there was smoke and shit every where. lucky i was home and heard it otherwise, no more house eh?(fire).


If you want to get rid of excess heat in your box just put in another fan, pulling the hot air out of your box.


Moving the ballasts does help alot also, I dropped from 25deg to 18 deg just moving my 600 watter.

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  weekprik said:
co2 makes the plant grow faster, it doesnt produce any more buds.

I tried it once and its just shit, save your money. and anyone who thinks otherwise (proove it),

we've had this conversation before weekprik. I think you need to have another read of this thread.


Same goes for the heater, you wont need it unless your nutes are getting under 65deg F, I had nute heaters in 2 grows and it never made any difference. Infact they can be downright dangerous to use, as mine ran dry and blew up, there was smoke and shit every where. lucky i was home and heard it otherwise, no more house eh?(fire).


yeah we've heard this before as well in this thread. There didn't seem to be any smoke the last time you told the story, or at least your smoke detectors didn't think so. Or did you blow up your heaters on two separate occasions?

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Hahaha you guys are great.


So have you guys checked out Mjoz, yet?


They got probably the best seed service I have ever used.

You put in your order over the internet, and you can pay using paypal or similars.


Not that many members in the furoms, just newbies askin a bunch of questions.

Its a awesome spot to get the newest strains though, I think its all out of Aust. too.



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