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Respiratory effects of Smoking Cannabis

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i was gonna head to brissie and buy one of those bongs with the double water chamber. does anyone use one of these. i used one about 10 years ago, but my lungs have copped a bit of a hiding since then.


Yeah I like double chamber bongs, big cunts with big cones, the 2nd chamber takes like 5 times as long to get dirty as the first chamber.

the main problem with the double chamber bongs is the first chamber is always the smallest, and the big chamber is the 2nd one, when it should be the other way around so you don't have to change the water so often.

Also they are fairly unstable, all aussie bongs have too small bases.

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thanks for the replies peoples. :D


after some thinking, i've decided to go with the double barrel from brissie.


W.C Also they are fairly unstable, all aussie bongs have too small bases.


thanks fot the warning. i'm a clumsy bastard at the best of times. :D


i've got an uncle who is pretty handy with a wood lathe. i might see if he can spin me up some sort of base out of hardwood. one that can fit snuggly under the base of the bong when you're not holding it. might hopefully stop it from unbalancing. worth a go anyway :rolleyes:



thanks for the imfo Tam, on the home made vape. if i like the effects i might then consider saving up for a vape. :D


cheers again



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re the pics of the homemade soldering iron vape, I deleted them off the webspace i was borrowing :D along with my avatar. I thought they would stay her but no.


I put them up at uk420 but haven't been there to check if they have remained there (prolly not coz it is the same system i thnk.)


Anyhow, its easy to make, expeirment ;)


Anyone seen the lightglobe vape - nifty little number. I thought of turning one of my old lights into huge porta vape :D


wade, I went to a headshop today and they didn't have any in stock but they said they usually had two vape types (Vapir) - digital at $650 or the regular for $450.


I'm too old to hit the streets :D ::rolleyes::


cheers, tam

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