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IACM 2nd Conference on Cannabinoids in Medicine.




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IACM 2nd Conference on Cannabinoids in Medicine.


Grotenhermen F, Muller-Vahl K.


Nova-Institut, Goldenbergstrasse 2, 50354 Hurth, Germany. franjo.grotenhermen@nova-institut.de


The International Association for Cannabis as Medicine 2nd Conference on Cannabinoids in Medicine focused on new clinical research with cannabis and single cannabinoids (Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol, CT-3) and on animal research with possible therapeutic implications. The meeting brought together basic researchers, clinicians and physicians to facilitate an exchange of knowledge and experience in this field. Even a talk by a patient with multiple sclerosis was included in a workshop on neurology. Current clinical research with cannabinoids focuses mainly on chronic pain and neurological disorders adding to accepted indications such as anorexia in AIDS-wasting and antiemetic effects in cancer chemotherapy. First results are promising and larger studies are underway or have recently been completed and are awaiting publication. New basic research opens further areas of possible uses for modulators of the endogenous cannabinoid system, including osteoporosis, cancer and inflammation. A workshop on psychiatry focused on effects of cannabis use on onset, incidence and the course of schizophrenia. Basic and clinical research shows that adolescents might be more vulnerable than adults to possible psychiatric effects of cannabinoids. It was concluded that possible side effects of cannabinoids should be taken into account but do not preclude a legitimate medical use.

Edited by syk613
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