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Tangerine Dream & LSD

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Lmao, Guys the time on the strains from breeders is for INDOORS. :pardon: 70 days is the time it takes for them to finish flowering indoors.

I did realise that HN, but the question is how many more weeks does it take outdoors. I'm hoping that it's no more than 84 days or I'll start to get frosts and I suspect the girls might not like that much.


Plants are looking good Ozraptor, dont change a thing mate. 5:6:19 is gonna be fine for em, if they start looking too hungry you'll know. Also if ya plants look different it's normal. Different Phenotypes occur in seeds, this can explain the different look of the plants, some are more sativa looking, others a lil more Indica looking, happens....... Peace. Nibbler


Thanks for the reassurance, it's been such a long time since I grew and basically then I'd scatter some seeds and see what happened. No fertilising at all, they lived on what was there in the first place. They'd be lucky to get watered unless we were in a drought. :fool:How times have changed. I've even got a pocket microscope from ebay on the way to check out the trichomes so I can harvest at the best time. If everything goes well on both the strains I'll have an early & a late harvest plant to savour the differences.

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oz well things look great alot better than mine i reackon well done , lucky we have the hash nibbler to put us in place as i would never of known about half the stuff i know know if it wasnt for him in fact wouldnt have known what a bloody scrogg was if he didnt suggest it to me !! so illl go back under my rock and watch from a distance lol well done ozraptor keep em going !!
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lol, your all good Pleasurefeather =) , yout trying to help , so thats cool man, just is important to get the info right cause people follow the advice here, and one wrong bit of advice, or harvesting too early can ruin a grow for someone.

If ya worried about frosts Ozraptor, just make up a frame over the plant and cover before dark with plastic( keep well away from plant) and pull off after sun comes up.

Rain is also no good on buds if they get too wet, they can mould up. You'll be fine, just things to pay attention to mate =).


I am still learning myself mate, I learn something new everyday.

I share because I want people growing their own Medicines, not trapped in some dealers merry-go-round keepin themselves broke.

Such a beautiful plant with so many benefits should be freely available to all............One day................... Peace. Nibbler.

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Well another week has passed and they are all looking healthy to me, though I didn't see much growth during the week.


I had a bit of a disaster on Good Friday; a squall came through and a bottom branch on my favourite td split from the main stem. It was still attached so I put a wound sealant on it and secured it to a stake so it can't move too much and worsen the damage. I can only hope she is not set back too much. At least I'll have something to smoke if the branch dies.


I'm continuing the weekly fert. regime as they seem happy with it. Still another 6 weeks to go though, it feels like I'm 6 years old and Xmas is sooooooo far away. :wub:


This is my favourite td, branch in the foreground is the one that was damaged later that day. Day 41




Buds starting to look ok.





This is the other td, I don't think this will yield as much, but I'm happy for day 34.






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It's been a few weeks so I thought it was time for an update. I pulled the larger of the lsd last saturday, I had around 30% amber trichomes and I wanted to have one plant with a head stone while growing the other for a body stone.


Yield will be ok but nothing great.







The heads look nice.




I harvested at 56 days which is at the bottom end of Barney's Farm estimates. My other reason for harvesting earlier than I planned was this disturbing die-back:






I was worried that it was mould developing which wouldn't have been a surprise given the rain we've had here in the last week. My soil is sodden though the girls don't seem unhappy. I do have an insect attacking them at the moment, my guess is earwigs. The leaf damage as you can see is only to the shade leaves, not to buds, and it's only parts of leaves which are eaten. I'm now wondering if the bud damage is caused by the earwigs nesting in them rather than mould.


Any opinions out there?


The tangerine dreams are doing well. They reach 10 weeks next Saturday and this one (the better of the two) is getting close. I'll check the trichs on the weekend and she might become my early harvest td.





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heya Ozraptor =), lookin sweet man. yeah, the damage to leaves is catapillars by looks of it. lil buggers. And that dead leaf near the bud is one way mould can form, that and a bit too much moisture and wallaa!

If it's raining and cold and doesnt look like getting better, chop em. water will make late buds mould, better to have some......than none. And you should get a decent yield off them. Enjoy. Peace. Nibbler.

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I think you're right, Hash Nibbler, I came home tonight after we'd had another 20mm of rain and my best td has also got a couple of spots. :crybaby: I'll have her out tomorrow morning, unfortunately I'll only be able to hang her up before I go to work.

I suppose the mould should be cut out asap before I start to dry, but that will have to wait until I get home.

Has to be done even though she won't make her 70 days; she will give me about half my yield as she has 8 good branches and tight buds. :thumbsup:

The other two aren't showing any signs yet but since the weather isn't going to improve they'll probably come out on the weekend just in case.

It's disappointing that I couldn't get another week or two into them; I'll be harvesting right on Barney's published times so I won't have a high proportion of amber trichs.


I can't complain given the mistakes I made this time. I should get enough to last me until next autumn. :egyptdance:

Edited by ozraptor
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heya Ozraptor =), The damage to leaves is catapillars by looks of it. lil buggers.


I can't find any caterpillars after searching hard which is why I suspect earwigs. I have problems with them here and they chewed up my beans in a similar manner. Bit academic now, whatever it is won't get much more of a feed. I wasn't worried about the damage they were causing; if they'd had a taste for bud things would have been different. :hunter2:

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