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So this is my second grow, had some success with a window sill experiment last year and felt ready to by some good seeds and get cracking outdoors. Except I have chooks.

I figure I can be craftier than the chickens though, right? So smart. I had it all figured out - they don't go for the corriander. Grow in tandem with corriander, chooks won't go near it.


Well one of the little fuckers pecked the first of my white widow autos to show it's head. Beautiful little delicate angel, new born, sweetest little leaves just taking shape. And some bludger chicken just gave it a peck. Ignored the tall, eye-catching corriander seedling growing with it and just pecked at my baby. Enough to tear it from the pot and then dropped on the ground. Like rubbish!


Now I have found my wounded baby and gingerly replanted it (I had only just watered about an hour ago so I figure it's been pecked and laying exposed for no more than 50 mins) so I figure it's worth at least trying to save it. I will be very surprised if it comes good, but hey, if it was your first born you'd be trying to resuscitate too.


Either way I am still waiting on the other 4 seeds that came in the pack to show, so this might just make a funny story that happened along the way... or not.


I told the chooks they need to get a job and move out, but they just clucked at me. Are there any tips for getting the chooks to peck elsewhere? These devils can penetrate just about any fenced off garden, so I'm more trying to get them not interested since (like a 3 year old child) if I say no they think it must be good and let's get into it. I'm considering a ring of raspberry bushes at this point.

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Hello welcome, I enjoyed reading ur tail as misfortunate as it may be..

Our chickens wont eat any trim i try to throw at them as theyve eaten all the grass in their enclosure, it doesn't seem to interest them..

When one would escape it wouldn't show any interest in the growing plants, only the other herb garden.

You might find using chicken wire to protect ur babies until they are more established may be the solution.

They may not go at it im not sure, i know other members have more experience with chickens and plants

Dont be too discouraged, u can outsmart them :)

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Box em in. Chicken wire around your plants.


Four walls and a roof, your chooks wont know what to make of it.


I swear they're using ropes and hooks to drop down into the main veggie patch... nah, actually I did some reconnaissanceand found a small hole, shaped suspiciously like a fat hen, in one corner. I put a brick up it. Figure that one out Chicky. I will find some spare wire to bundle up the babies, with in the jailhouse/veggie patch. Like Fort Knox for chickens.


Also started soaking some Sugarbabe seeds. I know it's late but I'm running with a theory about our seasons being off and hoping it'll turn out alright. Went to order more of the auto white widow and amnesia's now out of stock!


Long story short, try putting a brick up it. Solid advice right there folks.

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So the baby was ripped up prematurely... what to do? Why, incubate it of course!

Look at that sweet, sweet terrarium action. Impervious to chook and snail. A perfect little housing for a delicate baby.


And the results speak for themselves, as the little darling has grown! The patient appears to be on the way to a full recovery. (You notice a few cheeky stray bits of grass or something taking advantage of the rich potting mix right on the outside of where the terrarium bell was sitting. Pissed those fuckers off... nobody steals Baby's food)


And my Sugarbabe seeds have popped. I am using the "pot-set yoghurt pot seed popping for pot seeds" technique. Which is the same as any other water germ, but in a yoghurt pot. You know, for tripling down on the pot-puns reasons. This gives the plants a good sense of humour early on and makes them hardier against chook attacks.*



*Scientific studies underway.




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