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Any Arthritis sufferers using mj for pain relief?



Hey, I'm new here and a non smoker... well have had on occasion over years, average maybe one every few years :P I'm looking into the benefits of mj and had a joint yesterday which did actually loosen up my joints... Yay! Anyone else here with Arthritis who use mj for medicinal use?
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Hi Curtie,

Welcome to OS, enjoy your stay.

The only way to get around the unavailability of medical dispensaries is to grow your own. Heaps of info here and the best place to start is cannaversity, read it up, gain some knowledge, then come asking questions.




Hi Vrod,

Yeah I have seen Rick Simpson's oil vid before and I have acquired some iso to make a batch but the old saying "if you've got the time you ain't got the money and if you've got the money then you ain't got the time" comes in. Presently the money is good but I haven't had the time to scratch myself, let alone make a batch of oil. Any free time I have the mrs takes. Thought I had a free weekend this one coming but I've just been informed we have visitors coming. Shit. At some point I need to do a flush this w/e and with visitors HMMM this might be fun. NOT.


So yeah V, I have seen the vid and I will, at some point, make a batch. At present I have a timeline of somewhere within the next 5 years, if I'm lucky.



Edited by merl1n
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It's all about the oil, smokin helps but the oil is excellent for pain. Oil put in your favorite moisturiser/lotion and used on athritic hands usually offers very quick relief. My wife suffers from degenerative disc disease, carpal tunnel disease & Sciatica.

Taking up to a gram of oil aday in 2 doses, larger at night and she does not need pain killers. Which was 8 nurofen+ or equivalent min, smoking helps alot when the oil runs out but not as well.

It takes alot of high grade buds to make good oil (98% THC), when you take a gram of oil it is the equivalent of 1/4oz, you get 4grams of thick/tar oil from an ounce, if you can manage more then you have some really fine sticky buds, so that's an oz every 4 days.

So you need alot of bud which is no easy feat to achieve. Besides the pain relief research is showing oil may have the ability to regenerate and heal all sorts of ailments as well as curing cancers.

Edited by Vrod
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Hi Lisa4,


I deal with arthritis (osteo) in both knee at a relatively young age (47). I require replacements on both but the public system won't operate until my 60's owing to the 20yr or so life expectancy of the arthroplasty(s). Logistics of travel and suchlike prevent obtaining the surgery privately in the big smoke. So it is left to physio and meds and state of mind. Dealing with pain sucks. I am/was taking 6 panadol osteo, 15mg Mobic, glucosamine/chondroitin (2000mg) and 12g fjish oil tablets daily. When the pain is too acute I have a little tramadol and Endone depending on the severity. I like to smoke pot (mainly last 3 or so years), and I came to the realisation that I was forgetting to take my meds and not missing them. the change was that I was having occasional tokes of a coupla Js throughout the day. I have found that in combination with the state of mind delivered, actual physical pain is lessened. totally going to follow this so I hope it revives- working on starting up a little grow this year when it warms up and would love input on strains for arthritis. the pain becomes alot smaller when I'm a little baked. Thanks for the topic! Cya Vin

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Hi everyone I am new to this site and just to throw my two cents in My wife and I are only in our late 20's and came the smoking MJ at a late age (apx 2 years ago) after seening a few docs on medical use I have cronic pain since I was about 12 after a bus crash and was never able to find adaquate pain meds without going onto stronger perscription pills and My wife has depression and social issues so it may not be arthritis but I have found the effects are fantastic for pan killing and have helped me to get back on track and We now run our own business thanks to the magic herb helping me sleep at night pain free. Anyone who is concidering just give it a go and you might be suprised........ Edited by Naycha
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Gday all. I suffer from Rheumatoid arthritis. I have the nasty one that deforms the joints. The fingers on my right hand have gone bejond 45 degress, the left is a bit better at around 35. Most of the fingers are bent & twisted, center joints collapsed, tips pulling down+ the fingers heading east. I also have "nodules". Great lumps of calcium(?) that start out as a small lump. then just keep growing, eventually covering the whole joint. On the hands, these start growing under the tips( on the contact area), between the fingers, on the knuckles. I wear gloves most the time. The feet are no better. Because of the feet deformaties, I use the wrong part of my foot. I also have those nodules growing under my feet. Its like walking around with rocks in your boots. Both knees need replacement but Im to young yet at 54. I also have a crook back, result of a workplace accident that wreched the whole "L" section of the back around 45". So net result, a lot of pain, that started 22 yrs ago. I use pot to get my work done. It gives me the motivation to get stuck in, then when finished, sit down and hit the "couchlock" , sit back and relax, hopefully. Without the pot, nothing would get done in this household. I don't get pain relief from pot, I have the legal stuff for that, but pot is still a very important part of my pain management.
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