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new grower - but seedling wont germinate

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hi all I have had six attempts to raise a seedling with no sucess, I had one open and shoot a root but when i planted to rockwool it died - any tips ? soil was moist didnt overwater ???? i am pulling my hair out as i one have one more attempt left then im in a barb wire canoe !!!!!!!!! im new to the forum and joined so i could learn more get some help



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put it in what u want it to grow in & leave it alone... seeds don't need light to germinate, the soil temp just needs 2 be over 16deg (optimal 22-25 deg).


Don't over cook them...check some of the articles on site...

I put mine in a pot 1cm deep...water...let drain...put it in a clear plastic bag (ziplock) & leave 4 3 days...15 out of 16 this year :yahoo: ...don't sweat it bud :peace:

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thanks - i have last seedling germinating in plate and chux since yest lunch ,just moist -seed showing signs its starting to crack - so this is my last shot should i wait for root to pop or plant as per your advice ...


if this one dont work im stuffed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I germ mine in a cup o' water for 24-72 hours or until they sink. Haven't had one fail yet (or maybe I'm at 6 out of 7).


Had one that sunk but didn't crack, I put it in rock wool anyway and it popped it's head out after 24 hours of light.


The main thing is make sure the water is room temperature, pH'ed too (I used tap water pH 7), and don't touch the taproot 'cos it's really fragile (new born baby type of thing). When putting it in the rockwool/soil, taproot down and you should be good to go.


Can you elaborate on the steps you took with the rockwool attempt that failed? Did you push it in with your finger or are you using tweezers to create a hole and gently placing the seed and taproot in?

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ok first attempts tried paper towel got root to come out then planted in coco and put under cfl - never kicked on no leaves - then put a few seeds in water ph 6.8 - 24hrs - then dark warm enviroment - they wont germ at all look a bit dark so i planted a couple and and nothing at all - seeds seemed to open but no growth --- used tweesers and clean enviroment . last seed is germinating now soaked for 24 sank to bottom and put it in a chux - moist - and in cupboard so that where i am- ------------ just need one to kick as its all personal use



thanks heaps

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