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How can I dry 6 different strains? A conundrum..!

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Well someone has to keep an eye on you young fellas 'specially when they're peelin as hard as you cyber lol .... your posts are cool man, I hardly ever agree or know what the ferk your on about but, I read em :xcited:

Allowed back on?... correct! Go straight to the top of the class!... don't bother taking your books though, you won't be there long :good:



Cardboard box + tin of odour eater = good idea


carry on

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Hi there supermini,

6 different strains? Hmmm this tactic always causes problems, either with overgrowth or trimming or drying, always problems. I know 'cos I done it too.


But now for solutions.


You can leave them longer. That process of white hairs to brown repeats it self over and over. I try to get 3 brownings before I harvest, this sometimes depending on strain can take 12weeks of 12/12. Some growers rip at 8 weeks (Usually the first browning) no matter what, I leave mine. the hairs die off, the bud swells, the white hairs reappear and go brown again. As the bud matures more, so does the taste, smell and stone. I will never rip at 8 weeks again. Do you have a microscope to view the trichomes? If not, get one. The trichomes color is a much better way of telling maturity than the color of the hairs. That smell of hay is a sign of immaturity, really leafy bud or as in your case weed that ain't properly dried.


Cardboard boxes are brilliant, I've found old corregated cardboard video boxes work fantastically. Just make sure they don't have a glossy plastic coating on the cardboard. The cardboard will absorb moisture but the plastic stops the cardboard from breathing and the moisture can build up and can cause mould. I hang my branches for about a week, I found that during the day they dry out then at night they draw moisture from the stems and re-hydrate. I trim the bud from the big stems (The Timber) and then box them, I line my boxes with layers of newspaper, place my green in the boxes, then more layers of paper. Stirring daily.


Now I don't have concerns with smell and drying, but a mate of mine does and what he has done was to go to Harvey Norman and get a box that a fridge comes in. He put up strings inside the box to hang the stems from. He diverted the room exhaust from his carbon filter into the fridge box, then exhausted the box thru the filter. The filter still works for both the room and the box.


Hope it helps


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Try a card board box, with a lid on it (apple box size). Add holes in the side for ventilation make a net out of string crisscrossing to keep buds of the bottom, put a couple of layers of news paper on the bottom so that u catch the droppings. Try to keep away from direct light and heat, turn every day or so. for best results allow to dry slowly for 7 to 14 days. U can keep it growing will only over ripen a little and provide a stronger body stone. :twiddle:
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