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How can I dry 6 different strains? A conundrum..!

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Hi all!


My first post here, hi all!!


I'm growing 6 different strains in my growbox, and one of them is nearly ready for harvesting, but one other one still only has white hairs, no amber, so still has a few weeks to go. The others are all inbetween, some a few days away, others a week or two.


How would I harvest and dry them the best way? I can't dry them outside the box because of the smell, which the carbon filter takes care of for me inside the box. And I have read they should be dried in a dark place, so inside the box while the other plants are still growing seems to be a no-go as well.


So Im sorta stuck and dont know what to do. Can I keep growing the already finished strain? And keep doing so for another 2 weeks or so until all the plants are done? Or will growing them past maturity affect them negatively? Or should I harvest the others a bit early?


Its my first grow so I want it to go well, I took a few samples and didnt dry them properly and they taste and smell like hay, I dont want the end product to end up like that!!


Any tips or ideas much appreciated!




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err lol, the plants ready for harvest first are on the straight water or "flushing solution" first ..... dried first .... when stem *snaps*.... and i mean *snappppp* its ready for jaring ... you'll need to jar em at diff times, dry em at diff times and have each strain using up the remains of its nute reserves in its leaves at alternate times (according to the expected flowering time of each strain).... Hope that helps, i'm on some veryyyyyy spacy tinctures .... not the cannabinoid kind .... but still ... absolute bliss .... I hope ya get the drift of this comment.


Take it easyyyyy mannnnn .... butttt ... still take itttt !!!!%$&U!&%%!$





Nothing better than variety ;)


- you dont have to use the growbox to dry it out in ? ...

Edited by Syb3 rm3nt41_%20
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Look mate, you will have many of the oldies telling you to just grow a few oldschool skunk varieties or similiar at once ... but lets face it .... you can grow 10 strains in a small closet no worries (i've done it.) ..... try some of the new killer varieties theyre all piss easy to grow ... potent and taste good ..... and lets face it ... variety is fucking great, smoke a bowl of one strain .. and then smoke a bowl with a half dozen strains ..... cannabinoid diversity is much greater and the high is heavenly..... jah rastafari.....


peace n pot,

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