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26oz's off one Mong Mutant.. Is this normal?

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Hey guys',


Some weeks are better than others... This week sure was one of them. Just fininshed my first indoor harvest Xmas eve. They were all ramdom seeds collected from smoking mates. The largest one was a mutant that started life - tap root up, in the coldest week of the year. It monged and developed a double main stem. At a guess it's mango. Anyway I need double the cure jars that I anticipated. The results are awesome. 26oz on the biggest and an average of 16oz per plant. I have grown monsters outside for years but have honestly never really weighed them. This may sound naive but...Is anyone else getting 26oz plants indoor or is this a freak? Or do I need to get more jars cause 'thats the way shits gonna roll from now on'!!!???

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I dont wanna see any pix, prolly a cut-n-paste from a random 'net forum anyways...


Do you put such huge numbers down to using molasses or the dishwashing detergent? Perhaps hand watering the huge coco pots daily...


By the way, it's common practice to calculate total yield based on dried, cured flowering material, not the pots and stems... An expert in the mining industry would recognize such, you'd of thought...



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