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Ok so for my first grow im gonna get a few little pots to start them off then move to medium and then large pots. 2 plants with Miracle Grow and 2 Plants with Rapid Grow. Was there anything else i needed?

And whats blood and bone? i hear so much about it :D

oh and im growing outdoors and the plants will be New Purple Power, Hollands Hope, and then hopefully Hawiian Skunk #1 and Northern Lights X Shiva later on.

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blood and bone is blood mixed with bones mate. get it at nursery or gardening section of bigw bunnings wherever. its just a brown powder full of nitrogen mainly. mixed in with the soil, its not for making teas with as far as I know but just for mixing in before planting.

For flowering you will want a fertilizer with a higher potassium and phosphorous level and lower nitrogen level. like manutec bloom booster or using african violet food along with others. Any bloom booster will do good, foods that say "bigger flowers, brighter blooms, more blooms" because all will have that effect on cannabis just like the flowers they are made for.


Anyway good luck, you won't need much except a bit of determination and a bit of luck, cos its easy as piss to grow good pot. The shit grows like a weed.


wheres the hawiaan skunk from, is it "the real mccoy" from TFD???

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