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Growing Mediums for noobs

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i been in the searles potting mix for years , not saying it's the best .. but it's hard to beat . mix with 40% perlite , feed weak nuts and plain water ...


DWC .. rocks but




What's the best way to improve soil? Through half it away and replace with Perlite?.............. see what I'm getting at? :)




See the leaf curl in ev's latest round. I'd be guessing it's an excess of nutrient from the Searles(which already has fertiliser) + Hydro nutes as you can see the curl and burnt leaves in most of his grows, either way I'd be getting it sorted before advising others to use it ;)

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Like the look of buffo's pot.. Is it a self watering pot? that would assist with less hand watering, also the added coco would help retain moisture, ie, requiring less wateringI think pot size depends on the size of the plants you want.. from what I have read the coco from bunnings is not the best.. prob best to got o a hydro shop for your coco.. i think the brand most widely used is canna... In the tutorial section you will find a good coco grow tute...
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Like the look of buffo's pot.. Is it a self watering pot? that would assist with less hand watering, also the added coco would help retain moisture, ie, requiring less wateringI think pot size depends on the size of the plants you want.. from what I have read the coco from bunnings is not the best.. prob best to got o a hydro shop for your coco.. i think the brand most widely used is canna... In the tutorial section you will find a good coco grow tute...


Yes it's a basic $2 planter that has a built in drip tray/self waterer.

Yes it does assist with watering as you'd expect. Not only does the coco retain moisture, the root mass stays a constant cool temp when moist,... nothing worse than roasting the roots as it produces instant leaf curl followed closely by an infestation of fungus gnats(scarid fly larvae) to destroy whats left of the roots.

Brunnings coco is crap, not sure about Bunnings. I don't use the nutrients but I do use Canna coco





This is my latest round, they are in about 70/30 coco/perlite. They look yellow because they are hungry and could use a decent feed, but that's the way I grow at present, low nutrient + the planters gives a max 5 days between waterings without major root damage and without pump worries. Straight leaves reaching towards the light is always a good sign.

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G'day N.

I have a soil recipe at the start of my grow diary. I've found it to work well for new growers, this is only my second indoor effort. I just transfered what I'd been doing outdoors, for over 30 years, and it works. Grow hard.


:guitar: :guitar: :guitar:

Hi AuntyNorm would you be interested in sharing your soil recipe?? I am new to to growing full stop and have just started my first plants 28 days ago they seem to be doing alright at the mnute. When and should I repot?? Is it important to do or can I just add fert and food to keep the soil going??

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