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anyone else suffer from ibs



hey everyone iv been suffering in and out of pains for the last couple of years now i cant eat any foods that fatty it has to be all lean meat no cool drink no herbs or spices all plain food basicly any way i used to weigh 87 kilos a few years back and at the start of this year i got to my worse down to 60kg was horrible i had 2x colonoplys cat scan, mri scan heaps of bloods tests and still come up with nothing enough of that now when the drs said they would do all these test then they would have to say it ibs so now i try keep my diet close as possible to that wich i basiclally have now for the last few months . also i was in and out of hospitial on friday morning and sunday morning they where giving me 2x nurofen 2x pandeine fortes 2x busco pans and 2x tramadools and it still didnt do nothing all coz i ate a tiny bit of the wrong food iv also done a lil research and seen that some people who suffer from ibs smoke maijuana anyway im just wondering is there anyone else out there that suffers from ibs :bongon:
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hey green boots welcome to oz stoners thanks for sharing your story. my problem with ibs is that im finding it hard to cope just up setting being 25 years old and cant eat all those nice foods i used to. cant drink like i used to wich was fun. its also given me depression and anxity problems wich isnt fun. wont be able to get a decent job coz i spend most the morning sitting on the lou. :bonghit:
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