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anyone else suffer from ibs



hey everyone iv been suffering in and out of pains for the last couple of years now i cant eat any foods that fatty it has to be all lean meat no cool drink no herbs or spices all plain food basicly any way i used to weigh 87 kilos a few years back and at the start of this year i got to my worse down to 60kg was horrible i had 2x colonoplys cat scan, mri scan heaps of bloods tests and still come up with nothing enough of that now when the drs said they would do all these test then they would have to say it ibs so now i try keep my diet close as possible to that wich i basiclally have now for the last few months . also i was in and out of hospitial on friday morning and sunday morning they where giving me 2x nurofen 2x pandeine fortes 2x busco pans and 2x tramadools and it still didnt do nothing all coz i ate a tiny bit of the wrong food iv also done a lil research and seen that some people who suffer from ibs smoke maijuana anyway im just wondering is there anyone else out there that suffers from ibs :bongon:
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hey sawyer thanks for the reply mate i am now just starting to eat everything gluten free to see how i go i have a pretty good idea what i can and cant eat but i need to try more things coz i am goin to go insane eating the same food over and over curently my diet consits of weat bix x3 then 1 bit toast then gluten free multi vit steak or rissloses for lunsch as in plain beef roast mince patties then steak of some sort and or rice for dinner i also take those sustagen shakes extra fibre to help keep the weight on plus its like a treat i guess choclate mmm and im also taken inner health plus before bed. thats good bout the fish to coz i love me fish aswell thanks for the info sawyer i appreciate :bongon:
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Cool man,


It can be so frustrating when you're stuck on a repetitive diet. I guess it does force you to try new things though.


Make sure you cut out the Weet-bix and the toast, they're loaded with gluten. Seriously, breakfast cereals are some of the most unhealthy things currently on the market. I don't go near the stuff these days. I much prefer to whip up a nice salmon and sun-dried tomato omelette for brekkie.


I'd recommend cutting out the sustagen shakes. Dairy contains a protein called 'casein' that many people have trouble digesting. You can get plenty of fibre from vegies and salad.


Also, as a probiotic, try kefir. It's a fermented milk drink (I recommend using goats milk). Basically its a conglomerate colony of lacto-fermenting bacteria and yeasts. The micro-organisms ferment the the milk sugars into alcohol and make the milk proteins like casein more digestible. It's also a great source of B Vitamins. Much better than Yakult or Inner Health Plus I reckon. I've seen kefir grains for sale on ebay.


Another thing that is worth checking out is called the FODMAP diet. Here's a great source of info: http://shepherdworks.com.au/disease-information/low-fodmap-diet


Have a read, keep on track with your food diary and you'll eventually find what works best for you.



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Hi Stix

Just a few thoughts. If stress is a factor, have you tried meditation? Can be a great help and it does settle the mind & body.

As for throwing up (anytime) are you dehydrated? If you're throwing up you probably are. Try sipping water until you can get your intake up to at least 2lt a day.

I've been throwing up for 2-3 yrs & put it down to the gallbladder I'm waiting to have removed but recently had a bout of throwing up & really bad vertigo/dizziness, turned out I was severely dehydrated. Shit I was sick, it was frightening but so simple & so easy to fix. I just happened to get a really good doctor, another would have picked up the script pad!

I don't know the ins & outs of your issues Stix but this can't hurt & these hints are completely natural. Btw, what's your water supply like??

Oh yeah..go see a naturopath/homeopath. Ask around, find a good one.

Edited by justjuli
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hey justjuli i think stress has got alot to do with it iam slowly losing weight atm like i was last year nealy 1 kg a week. hey havent had an dramas with throwing up just have heaps of bowel movments in the morning wich is anoying as hell and pains not sure bout the water i use a filter jug.
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I am a Crohn's disease sufferer, ie a gut problem, effecting anywhere from the tounge to the anus, I am a lucky one and had it bad for a long time, where I lost some intestine and terminal ilium the first op, and some more intestine the next. I have daily pain and complications,

I am posting to address a wrong comment I read here..

Don't know if its related to IBS but it kinda shows how weed can affect the gut.

It does some wonderful things for me, such as, appatitie stimulation, muscle relaxant, pain releif, kills insomnia,

Better than any commercial pain pill, I can't take any as they really upset my guts..

Thanks for listening




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My problems started 20 yrs ago, I had lots of pains, lost weight etc etc, so eventually had lots of tests, procedures and the docs found nothing wrong and said it was IBS. This annoyed me somewhat at the time as I felt like curling up in a ball and dying! That was until I started smoking weed, I decided I wasn't going to be stressed out anymore and the only way to do that was get stoned every day. I wasn't a drop out, I studied got a degree, held and excelled at my job, life was good!


10 years later it was time for a change, I came over to Australia and stopped smoking, changed my lifestyle, started a family and felt like a different person. That was until about 4 years ago when I started having problems again, so I had more tests and was diagnosed with Cohn's disease and told I'd had it previously as there was scaring in my bowel. WTF I thought, did I really have Crohns previously?? I opted against pharmaceutical drugs until I got very sick and ended up having an op 2 yrs ago cutting 40cm of my bowel out! I was expecting that would be it for at least 3 yrs but no, I've just found out its back already and the doc has suggested TNF drugs, which I'm not keen on one little bit!


Should I start smoking weed again? Was weed the reason my crohns went into remission the first time or was it totally unrelated?


Anyway, thought I would share


Peace people

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