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anyone else suffer from ibs



hey everyone iv been suffering in and out of pains for the last couple of years now i cant eat any foods that fatty it has to be all lean meat no cool drink no herbs or spices all plain food basicly any way i used to weigh 87 kilos a few years back and at the start of this year i got to my worse down to 60kg was horrible i had 2x colonoplys cat scan, mri scan heaps of bloods tests and still come up with nothing enough of that now when the drs said they would do all these test then they would have to say it ibs so now i try keep my diet close as possible to that wich i basiclally have now for the last few months . also i was in and out of hospitial on friday morning and sunday morning they where giving me 2x nurofen 2x pandeine fortes 2x busco pans and 2x tramadools and it still didnt do nothing all coz i ate a tiny bit of the wrong food iv also done a lil research and seen that some people who suffer from ibs smoke maijuana anyway im just wondering is there anyone else out there that suffers from ibs :bongon:
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i've had bouts of ibs over the years. its no where near as bad as it used to be. try a food diary, recording what you eat & your symptoms. it can be tedious but it can help you determine what foods triggers it. you could also try cutting out gluten. sometimes just eating cleanly - fresh meat, fresh fruit and vegetables mostl, with the odd favourite stuff here and there. personally for me, too much spicy food and too much fatty food can really make my guts churn. i try not to eat bread and gluten type stuff often as that really bloats me up.


your symptoms seem kind of severe for just ibs. i'm not a doctor, so no need to take my word for it. another course of action may be to see a nutritionist/dietician and maybe a natropath.

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hey aeshai thanks for the reply mate iv been sticking to my diet till last tuesday when i had the tinyest bit of choclate muffin then it has taken a week to get over it. i have thought it to be some thing else but i have had just bout every test bar the camera one were they strap a machine to my chest and i swollow the camera. basically drs have said they do all these tests then rule them all out then at the end they say it must be ibs coz they havent found anything. the worst thing was all my mates said to me they thought i was going to die i was skiinny as a junkie and thats what alot of people thought i was until they heard me story enough of me :bongon:
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Hey Stix sorry to hear about your probs. I used to be very sensitive when it came to certain foods and beverages and still am to a certain degree. I went through all the same tests as you and the doc's gave me the same response as yours...basically they're out of ideas. I'm a big believer in stress and anxiety being one of the primary motivators for IBS and several other medically ambiguous complaints.


I couple of things that really helped me:


1. Deal with your anxiety and stress (meditation/reiki/yoga etc...)

2. As mentioned above cut out wheat for awhile

3. No caffeine or alcohol for now

4. Minimise Sugar and alkalise your body with wheat grass/barley grass something like that...even cut back on dairy and meat if you can

5. Talk to a homoeopath

6. Maybe some inner health plus or similar might help.


Number 1 is the most important in my opinion. I thought I was a pretty easy going accepting person, turns out I wasn't even close. You just need to keep trying different things and understand that doctors may not always have the answers. In my case it took many years of effort and trying all kinds of different things before I was where I am today. I still have to take it easy on alcohol and deep fried fatty shit, neither of which I really like anyway, amazing how your tastes change when you become healthier and happier, but other than that I'm doing really great now.


Be Well Amigo

Edited by farmerBrown
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hey farmer brown i have real bad anxiety problems and im a stress head wich doesnt help ibs im trying my best to keep a cool head. i also stated taking then inner health plus they suposed to be better than the ibs ones they have. when i went in and seen drs at emergency department the same bloke that i seen a year ago was telling me that he has seen 3 other guys with the same problems and they all smoke marijuana to he started saying how marijuana can effect the stomach basicaly saying its the marijuana i dont think it is :bongon:
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This is all just my opinion...


Very unlikely to be the weed, keep in mind we are on a pro dope board so we are all likely to be a little bias ;) however cannabis can for a small number of people agitate pre existing mental conditions such as anxiety disorders. From what I have seen and experienced I think this is more likely to be the case with strains that are high in THC and lower in CBD and other cannabinoids. Typical commercial crops. Funny thing is I haven't smoked for about 10 years, same time as I stopped growing. Just looking at it now after reading a lot of medical benefits relating to auto immune diseases. I know several people suffering from these conditions and wondered if weed would help the symptoms or even slow the disease itself. Thats really my only reason to start another grow.


The throwing up or heaving in the morning is anxiety related, its a text book symptom and incredibly common. If you aren't taking any anti-anxiety or anti-depressant pills currently I would suggest you see a GP and discuss the problem with them. Speak specifically about anxiety and stress.


I'm not advocating that you start taking medication as I said I would concentrate on other methods of stress relief first. I found the real break through happens when you accept the anxiety instead of fighting against it. I myself was able to do this through meditation and various other spiritual practices. Changed my whole view of life in general actually and as a nice bonus pretty much eliminated my anxiety and IBS symptoms. And I mean bad fuckin anxiety man!!


As I said this is just my opinion after living with anxiety for so long and experiencing IBS and similar symptoms as a direct result of the anxiety.

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As mentioned before, keeping a food diary can really help. I've been keeping one for about 6 months now, and it's really helped me track foods that don't agree with me. If you've got a smart phone, just download a free diary app. You can easily enter information straight into it when you're out and about so you don't have to carry around a pen and paper.


There's a lot of misleading and contradictory information out there, especially when it comes to health and nutrition. Honestly, your best help will probably come from what you discover by yourself. Try not to get caught up in all the pseudo-scientific garbage that is so prevalent out there, especially on the net.


I'd start on a gluten free diet. Also, try and cut the amount of sugar you consume. You won't realize how addicted you are to the sweet stuff until you try and give it up.


Another thing that will help is trying to balance out the ratios of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids you consume. Most people in Western countries get way too much Omega-6 and not enough Omega-3. Omega-6's are known to be 'pro-inflammatory' and Omega 6's (especially DHA) are powerful anti-inflammatories. This means cutting down on the grain-fed rump steaks and eating more fish.


Hope this helps you mate. Best of luck.



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