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pipeman goes outside

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Hey pipeman IMHO if u are going to plant in the ground i wouldent line the hole with plastic as plants in the ground as any plant can get a bloody big root system and ya cant beat good old mother earth her self for growing good plants with just a little bit extra added now and then, if u were going to plant them out in the bush and leave then and say only go back once a month or so yer maby then line the hole but if u are going to be seeing them just about every day i wouldent do it, or like u said just get ya self some big ass pots and use them, what i found to be good as pots are wheely bins just cut about cut a foot and a half off the top and drill a few good size holes in the bottom and off ya go and the good thing about them is if u need to move your plant u just wheel it to were u want it, i hope this has helped u out a little :)
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Greetings Pipeman, you may have success with watering once a week if you harden off the plants at a very young age - withhold water early and longer so they get used to being deprived, then when you put them int the ground they may thrive. I would use a plastic pot with the bottom cut out of it to allow for root growth and I'd mix some weed or fish emulsion to the water you use.and mulch the surface very well. Depends also on your climate... bugs are a bastardo outside you may want to spray the plant with something straight off.


Good luck with it :)



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