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pipeman goes outside

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what the heck, I'll give outdoor growing a bash.


This is my plan:


Germinate and sprout seedlings (using seeds made from my first crop)

Dig a hole big enough to fill with one bag of potting mix.

Plant seedlings and water once a week.

Spread some animal repellant around grow site.


To germinate seeds I'm just soaking in water for 24 hours then straight in potting mix in seedling tray.


after a few hours in the water most of the seeds have sunk and some have begun to crack.


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Guest BudWaver

Hey man must be good to come outa the closet and head outdoors eh....B)


I dont know about watering only once a week man especially during summer...will you have mulch on top of your soil? I find my hypothetical pot bound outdoor plants require watering every two days with nutes and they love it..currently 5 feet tall white label GWS...nice


Im not an outdoor officianado tho so take it all with a grain of salt.....

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hit the nail on the head buddy :D I do these threads mainly for your entertainment you know, I hope you appreciate the effort. :)


I'm going to use Searles potting mix which has water crystals. I know rootbound plants in pots need water more often than plants that have room for their roots to stretch out.


any other opinions on watering? Will my plants die if they only get water on weekends?

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Guest Wilderbud

Hmm, pipeman, you are a danger-boy. :D


Weekly watering and seedlings outdoors dont mix - water them every 3 days at least [even with the water crystals] IMHO.

Edited by Wilderbud
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fair enough, looks like I'll be going for a few early morning walks from now on. I was gonna look for a soft water bag, something that would make carrying water easy in a backpack.


I figure the most I could carry would be about 30litres. How many plants do you reckon I could service with this amount of water each 2nd day? 5 or 6?

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