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Saw this thread yesterday. Aussie toker, yourself and Reverend are pretty much on the money. It was the lack of wings that got me, possibly the dear cousin Mealy bug.


Same rules apply to either- a good soap spray or the recipe Reverend put up should send `em on their way.

Do you have fruit trees or an orchard nearby?



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G'day Jaikai,

Cheers heaps for the help.

I will post up a few more pictures of the insects, But it could very much be Mealy Bug.

Yeah, I sure do have a few fruit tree's out the back along with Trumpet Vine, Almond Tree & Something that looks similar in appearance to an orchid but I'm unsure of it's species.


Here is a few more pictures that my sister managed to take.



Thanks again for the help, Have a great one.

AussieToker. :bongon:

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G'day Everyone,

Alright, After a bit more research I believe I found out what these creatures are. Turns out they are Plant Hopper Nymphs!

I think the Tomato Spray Idea was Brilliant, But I cannot seem to get a hold of any tomato leaves. I will be going with a home-made insecticide soap as this would be most convenient.


Thanks for all the help. AussieToker :bongon:

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