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G'day Everyone,

I Got a bit of a problem, I have a few unknown insects on my plant that I can't seem to identify on google or elsewhere.

At first I thought that It was Woolly Aphids but after closer Inspection this seems to 'not' be the case.

These creatures look similar in appearance to Woolly Aphids, But have slightly different features.

They are about half a centimetre (5mm) in size & Live on the stems on the plant only.


Here are a few pictures:





That's just about it, If anyone is able to help out it would be much appreciated.

AussieToker. :bongon:

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G'day Reverend,

Cheers heaps for all the help.

They do look very similar in appearance, But after researching Woolly Aphids a bit more I noticed that they usually have wings & hair on the body.

Where as the creatures on my plant only have hair on the head / face & No visible wings.

If woolly aphids seems to be the case, I'll look further into getting rid of those little suckers. For now would 'garlic' or 'neem' foliar spray be suitable?


Thanks again for the help. AussieToker. :bongon:

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For the small amount you have I'd try a soap spray, or even this might work:-

Tomato plants, as members of the nightshade family, contain toxic compounds called alkaloids in their leaves. When the leaves of tomato plants are chopped, they release their alkaloids. When the alkaloids are suspended and diluted with water, they make an easy to use spray that is toxic to aphids, but still safe around plants and humans.

What You'll Need:

  • One to two cups of tomato leaves
  • Two cups of water
  • A strainer or cheesecloth
  • Spray bottle

To make tomato leaf spray, simply soak one to two cups of chopped tomato leaves in two cups of water. Let it steep overnight. To make the spray, strain the leaves out of the liquid using cheesecloth or a fine strainer. Add another one to two cups of water to the liquid and add it to a spray bottle.


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G'day Aeshai,

Cheers for the reply.

I didn't upload any images. I just had a look through the different Insect Orders & Family's , Google images, Wikipedia, Common Pests etc.

I have also not seen those things before, They don't seem to be a very common pest around here.

Hopefully they are not a major problem & Are fairly easy to get rid of.


Have a great one, AussieToker. :peace:

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G'day Reverend,

Cheers heaps again, That sounds brilliant.

Do you know if the tomato spray is safe to use around pets?

I currently have 2 cats that always love getting into the enclosure and take a few chomps at the plant, I want to be sure that they don't get accidental poisoning.

Besides that, I'll try get a hold of some tomato leaves & start making the spray right away.


AussieToker. :toke:

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Ahh, well now Google has this thing where you can upload a picture, and it will search the internet for anything that resembles the pic. Ain't technology grand?

they can do what !!

facial recognition, random morphology of any old object.

gluing alofoil to my head... they'll never recognise me then :hunter2:

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