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plant now?

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people keep saying its not too cold, try living in melbuns, friggin 36 a few days ago now it dropped to about 14 last night, not cold enuff for ya?

it does have a large affect on growing as opposed to growing in the nth/central where its sunny for alot of the year....the only up side is i can grow under lights through the winter without worrying about heat buildup.....while im on the topic, does heat play much part in the growth process or is it solely relying on how much light it gets?

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theres still a sun mate and its not to cold, you can grow plenty.

Would'nt matter if you had a heatwave every day of the year, if the plants dont get the sun for longer periods to veg they will simply go into the flowering cycle and remain small with less yeild.

If you veg under HID's then put them outside you should be fine as long as its not too cold otherwise they will take forever to finish. B)

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1 question, if you plant a seed when the daylight hours are getting shorter, how long does it take to go into flowering? i cant imagine a tiny seedling growing buds. so will it veg for a few weeks b4 it starts to flower?

gudday mate.

if it's too small for your liking cut it back. i have a thread called hack it back. it works man!


i agree with W.C. you can plant any time of the year. frost is the only concern. easily fixed with a bit of shade cloth :rolleyes:

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