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plant now?

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a plant planted right now will flower to its full potential absolutely fine. and the yield wont be that little, you could easy get 3-5oz per plant.


I'll take a photo of a photo of a plant planted in January to show you tonight. grown behind shadecloth.


People have alot of misconcenptions about growing outdoors. like plants need at least 6hrs of direct sunlight to flower and shit like that, a plant needs no direct sunlight, people have grown amazing plants in the window of there house behind thin curtains.


If you dont live in badly frost prone areas plant as late as late May.


By the way what is wrong with the australian sun these days?? this year everyone is complaining about there indicas flowering already, but maybe 2 years ago everyone I knew was complaining about there plants going back into veg well after christmas.

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sounds good WhiteCluster ;)


so now im expecting a minimum of 15 ounces from all five plants? im looking forward to these now ;)


btw these seeds are apparently very good, my friend planted some of them and some different seeds at the same time in the same place and the good seeds have grown twice the size. i cant remember which strain they are. some kind of crossbreed (if thats the right word..)


anyone got any advice for these clones? they're going to be transplanted soon but do you guys think they'll grow much? i mean they're into flower already and there just babies... i measured one and its like 23cm or something like that. i wish i could get some pictures of them up here but i've got no digital camera and the people living with me would freak if they found out i was taking pictures of them, they're a bit paranoid but i cant blame them.


im totally new to growing, in case you havent noticed B) so i dont know much.. such as how long weed plants take to grow before they can be harvested?

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this is what i did


let some seeds sit in water over last night, three of them sunk and thats meant to be good isnt it?

i've got three small pots of potting mix, i poked a little hole in the middle of the mix with my finger, put the seeds in the little hole and covered them up. I know there's meant to be some special way to plant the seeds but i figured that marijuana is smart enough to sort itself out B)


i just need to know if i've already screwed up, any help would be appreciated

that is what i did with 8 seeds and 5 have come up and got there first 2 leaves and the other 3 are coming thru. i have had them outside but had to put them on my window because of the rain.

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I've actually grown, with great success, in Carnarvon during May- August.

In fact, that's the best time to grow there. Everyday is sunny, and between 21 and 30 degrees. The 'normal' season is far too hot and dry.



The more south you go, the less chance of a good grow.


-not enough sunlight hours

-too cold

-too much rain

-chance of frost

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Yeah, it's a bit different growing up there... the seasons are reversed essentially, well, as far as rainfall goes anyway in comparison to the temperate areas of southern aus... *sigh* wish I had a greenhouse there, you can grow spastic amounts of produce if you've got the money and the water.... ;)


Damn, I wouldn't like to be the bastard digging the holes in the dirt up there spurious, it's none too easy to dig into that clay... perhaps you'll be able to help with some tips on growing in the great northern areas of Western Oz, as we have very different conditions on this side of the country to the east coast... B)

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Dont know where you live WC, but in most places in Australia harvest time is around April if your growing outdoors.


Your not going to grow much if you plant anything at the end of  May.  ;)

theres still a sun mate and its not to cold, you can grow plenty.


Everything doesn't have to be september-april, september to april is a real fucking long time for a plant to live in the bush and in that long time it has alot more chance of getting fucked by drought flood than a shorter season plant, also the cops aren't looking for plants after they assume harvest is over, and also its easier to hide a 100 small 1 oz plants, than a huge monster with 100oz on it. cannabis could be planted out in fields in this period and be hidden by weeds of the same height and growth rate, or grown amongst legal crops of potato, dwarf beans, tomatoes, etc.... it will be alot easier to take care of, particularily if female clones are mass planted.


Also you'll find with the shorter day lengths of winter the plants will finish up much quicker, its a really feasable method, I've used these seasons for bring indoor plants outdoors and finishing them late as september, I was mainly using indica dom strains back then, but I saw that after about start of august the buds would get leafy foxtails with little resin, it looked like they wanted to reveg but they just couldn't, they were unevenly matured but still damn good smoke.

where I live now its too cold but I've harvested heaps of outdoor plants in winter.


try it. B)

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Guest Wilderbud

Petrol posthole diggers scare me after reading about them going wild and killing people although Ive used one for about 50 holes before reading about their bad habits. I use a manual hole digger and it chews through clay/blacksoil - its a T pole with tri-jawed cylinder at the base - its great for mass sapling planting [takes about a minute to dig a 8"x1' hole then you get a camping shovel onto it to make it 1'x2' in about 5 minutes].


We get cold nights where I am for a few months but its still better than most places for growing. B)

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