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first grow


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hey everyone.

ok, for my first indoor grow im planning on buying the following as my budget is small beyond belief, and outdoor is out of the question.

-2-4 cf lights(400 watters are out of the question)

-a cupboard, traditional 2 door job

-some nutes (you opinions please)

-some medium(prolly some cheapo bunnings shit(pinions please)(

-a watering can B)

-a fan for ventilation(where i will be growing is very cool, even in summer, prolly around the 25-27 degree mark)

some white paint for cupboard, and black plastic shit to cover ground to make more sterile


i have probably forgotten somthing, so please give me your suggestions. me and my mother will probably start around the 1st of jan, untill then we plan to grow outdoors if its recomended..





p.s i klnow its against the rules, but if any1 has any spare seeds pm me to work something out....


thanks in advance

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If you're looking for seeds I'd recommend MJoZ, good pricing and delievery within a week. http://mjoz.nexodus.tv/


I'm doing a grow similar to yours, using 2 CF's and a few fans. Make sure you have a computer fan or oscillating fan blowing onto the babies to promote good stem growth. If you angle the fan you can also run some cool air over the CF's so they can get even closer without burning your seedlings.


BTW I am a n00b to growing, first grow too. Just read all the excellent FAQ's written by pipeman and the crew. Also check out overgrow.com's growFAQ, check it out here www.growfaq.com EXCELLENT source or info and well laid out. Highly reccomended.


Good luck with your grow, is your mother really growing weed with you?? That is very cool, wish my mother was that well informed about weed B)

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