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australian study now recruiting: synthetic cannabis and the law

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had some one ova the other day smoking the stuff at my house when i had plenty of cones to offer them and they stiil smoked it they rekon they dont need as much and your off im thinking fuck that i will stick to my own green thank you. i didnt even let them use my bong as i dont want the shit in mine so i got i out the draw and handed it over :bongon:
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I've also heard reports that synthetic cannabis is still being sold, even after the ban. I'm not sure if that is because the shops believe that particular type is legal, or whether the local police are turning a blind eye... or I also suspect that the state and federal laws interact in a way that makes the TGA ruling unenforceable. That is, drug laws are state based and until the wider laws are put into state law, they won't be enforced by state police... and the AFP only operate in federal jurisdictions. Still, I understand that NSW is currently drafting new state laws based on the TGA ruling and I bet other states are as well.


So it's a complex area. But you are right bluntman_77 - if cannabis were legal, none of this would be happening. Given that my literature review found synthetic cannabis has more harms than cannabis (as you would expect), the laws as they stand cause more harm through the creation of a market for 'legal highs' through prohibition of 'illegal drugs'.

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Debate about the synthetics is good... Using them on the other hand.. Tried that. I made a decision to never use them again. I even went as far to flush what I had left ($45 worth..) down the toilet lol. Only real cannabinoids for me. The idea of being able to get legally high was fun while it lasted, but its not worth the potential damage in the long run. That's why studies like this one are a great thing, because we need to find out just what these things are doing to us.


edit - mjbarratt, I listened to that presentation. Very nice! Cleared up some issues I was a little fuzzy on with the whole matter.

Edited by gronnashi
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Tried that. I made a decision to never use them again. I even went as far to flush what I had left ($45 worth..) down the toilet lol. Only real cannabinoids for me. The idea of being able to get legally high was fun while it lasted, but its not worth the potential damage in the long run. That's why studies like this one are a great thing, because we need to find out just what these things are doing to us.




Lmao. Tried some of this shit recently and it made me paranoid as hell and a wierd fucked up and mega dizzy, almost like the fist time I got stoned to the 19th degree. Never again for me either :bongon:

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Lmao. Tried some of this shit recently and it made me paranoid as hell and a wierd fucked up and mega dizzy, almost like the fist time I got stoned to the 19th degree. Never again for me either :bongon:


It will definitely do that. I first tried to convince myself, at the time, "Hey, its legal, don't need to be paranoid!"... Boy, that didn't work. I did kinda like the fact that it was like smoking for the first time in a way, but I began to find inconsistencies with my experience compared to others. I was able to keep smoking the stuff and keep getting the effect. Whilst my mate quickly got accustomed to it and it didn't do anything to him anymore. He's the lucky one! His body went and said NO MORE. I could keep smoking the stuff until my receptors melted or who knows what would happen!


If anything, it makes you appreciate the taste of Cannabis that much more!


For reference, I was in the end, only smoking "Ash Inferno", the strongest variety I had tried out of about 6 or so different "types"


It just sucks because, the smoko in my area has been generally sooo bad for sooo long, so it's tempting for me to want to smoke more of the synthetics.. I just need to walk into the local tobacconist and its right bloody there in your face... Tempting, but all I have to do is remember the last time, how paranoid I felt, and that I went to the trouble to flush good money away.. Just gotta think back to that, and I won't ever use it again :P

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Oh I liked it very much mjbarratt. Thank you for putting it together. I know a few people who would be interested in this presentation, namely those who introduced it to me in the first place thinking it was just some other kind of plant. haha. Doesn't take long for the myths to sprout, best to nip them in the bud as quickly as possible.. Or in this case, nip them in the middle of the synthesis...
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