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australian study now recruiting: synthetic cannabis and the law

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Hello everyone http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png


Just thought I'd let you know that I'll be presenting preliminary results from this survey at a public community forum in Fitzroy next Monday - the Yarra Drug and Health Forum.


Sorry I should have notified you all earlier than this ... but if any of you are in Melbourne and are able to go, just email Greg (see link above) to RSVP. I don't think you have to provide a real name or anything.


Once that's done, I'll upload the powerpoint or a video presentation or both.




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I only found out about these synthetics shortly before they were banned. From everything I read about them and people's opinions I was given, they sounded a nasty bunch of chems. Prohibition leads to more dangerous drugs being produced. It's damned foolish.
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Just reporting back - we had our forum on Monday. The presentations can be downloaded from http://www.ydhf.org.au/YDHF2.html (in pdf format). The more informative version of the event is the video that was made - however, that's not yet ready to be uploaded. I'll let you know when that's available.



protip for your friend, he circled the 1st google result in his presentation (and no doubt expanded on this point), however that's a sponsored ad so it's first in the google results because it's paid to be first.


Otherwise it and yours is an interesting read, especially the 4% of people who decided to eat their Kronic lol ;)

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Thanks Cerberus! Yes I believe Steve's point in circling that link was that when he did that search around the time the bans were coming in, sponsored ads appeared selling the products. So even if you are just interested in a better understanding of the laws, you are offered a way of buying the product - one of many examples of our ever interconnected world...


Yeah, I'm not sure if people were making baked goods or what there... interesting that the majority of users reported bongs/waterpipes. This could just reflect how this group would otherwise smoke cannabis proper, I don't know.

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