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My first grow

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Well here is my first grow well actually second becuase the first one was a couple day old seedling that got eatin by bugs :(


Anyway it is outside right now becuase i havent got the light yet im going to get one of those construction lights that i was talking about in one of my other posts but that is were it will go when i get, probably 2 weeks. The light will then be taken apart and hung like the one in the pic.


The soil is just some from the backyard that i steralised in the microwave and then mixed up with a little bit of horse shit, dont know if that was a good thing to do or not but its done now and seems to be growing ok.


Both the pics are over 100KB how can you make them smaller so i can post them??

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here is one pic, dont know how it will turn out but while i was trying to make them smaller i acidentaly deleted the other so i will try to get some more tommrow.


Those little leaves that are meant to fall off fell off today as well. :(


I know i have asked this before somewere but i cant remember were anyway how much should you be watering a seedling a day or however often you should be, right now im just giving it a cupfull of water when the soil starts looking dry and thats about every day becuase its damn hot!!


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Is that an incandescent light your using? Ditch it mate, flouros or HID's mate, or the good ol' nuclear hid in space. :( Everything else is either too inefficient or of the wrong spectra for good plant growth.


Anyway, as to watering, it depends on the soil, and how big the pot is... but for one that small, yes, you'd need to water daily. When watering, the media should drain freely but still retain some moisture. The more air you can get to the roots the better, but remember that the more open a mixture is, and the less amount of it there is, the more watering it will need to maintain moisture levels. As you've already found.


Pot up that plant once it grows a little more, maybe two more nodes... (outside, not under that light coz it'll just streeeeeetch.) The root system for a healthy plant should be of about the same mass as the above ground portions. Keeping the plants in small pots whilst young is all very well and good, and it does save space, but the less transplanting the better IMO, if you can let that baby fly in a large, well drained pot from seed to finish it'll yeild quicker, and maybe better than a plant with multiple transplants. (I haven't tested this, directly, but it stands to reason... whether you treated such plants identically tho is another matter...) Oh, when you pot up you will have different watering needs, as there is more media... and using seaweed concentrate at a very dilute rate as a transplant curative can help reduce stress. Very dilute, like 1/4 stregth, and make sure you water well initially. You won't need to water as often, as I said above. You should be able to tell when it's dry, but just to be sure stick your finger into the topsoil, (away from the base of the stem and the roots of course) and if the media is dry to a couple knuckles depth, then you can water. If there's a substantial amount of moisture still in the pot, then you can leave it. If you can pick up the pot when dry and the just after watering, you can make an approximate judgement of how much water is in the pot that way... still, this is always going to be approximate and lifting large pots is not recommended, so it's more suited to small plants or seedlings. :D


Oh, and on the pics, have a look for a free prog called irfanview, it's a simple and easy image manipulation program you can use to downsize pics easily. :(


Hope that helps. :(

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yer that light has been ditched as i said its outside now and in a couple of weeks ill have that construction light i was goin on about. When i get the light i will get a much much muchhhhhh bigger pot and let it go wild but i dont want to transplant it into the ground now then back into a pot and bring it inside that would just be way too much stress on it.


Anyway here are 2 more pics of it.


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