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Hello everyone im thinking of starting a indoor grow box, still having issues.

So far i have:


Car Reflector Foil thingo



Could anyone make a suggestion of what type of growth method i should use : hydroponic / lights

and how much would a pc grow box produce?

How much would it cost per month ?

How can i install the vent system?

and how can i keep it really quiet?


thank you.

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Could anyone make a suggestion of what type of growth method i should use : hydroponic / lights

and how much would a pc grow box produce?

How much would it cost per month ?

How can i install the vent system?

and how can i keep it really quiet?


I wouldn't recommend a PC grow for anybody really, back when I first started I considered it and did quite a bit of research.

If that's all the space you can afford for a grow then it's probably better to just find a source to buy your weed.

As for production, I would say that you would harvest no more than 6-7 grams at the absolute maximum, and that's being generous.


Also recommend building a box of your own, it's very satisfying and rewarding.

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Could anyone make a suggestion of what type of growth method i should use : hydroponic / lights

and how much would a pc grow box produce?

How much would it cost per month ?

How can i install the vent system?

and how can i keep it really quiet?


thank you.


1 - What else are you going to use? Got a new method for growing plants in the dark?

2 - Very little

3 - How long is a piece of string?

4 - However the fuck you like

5 - Shut your mouth.

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1 - What else are you going to use? Got a new method for growing plants in the dark?

2 - Very little

3 - How long is a piece of string?

4 - However the fuck you like

5 - Shut your mouth.




And really PC grow boxes are fairly crap in general you should just send me your seeds and find a good source.


Though if you're really determined, see the magnifying glass top right corner and also Google. Your questions are far too basic and general, you really should try to research the stuff first. Questions like "should I grow hydro" really depends on your situation e.g. financial, time and otherwise; if nothing else it's quicker to just do a bit of reading then ask some specific questions. As you can imagine these sort of questions have been asked many times before...

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I'll just leave that there, done in a pc grow box, 2 clones in that pot, 12-12 as soon as i got the clones in there. But yeh if you are looking for yeilds, or a steady access to your choof, depending on how much you use, may want to go a bit bigger if you have a spare closet, like our good friend Mr. Tom Cruise (lol south park)



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1 - What else are you going to use? Got a new method for growing plants in the dark?

2 - Very little

3 - How long is a piece of string?

4 - However the fuck you like

5 - Shut your mouth.

considering radmotion is a newbie just asking a few simple questions and obviously does not know much about growing or the setup this response is out of line and rude on your behalf STONEDAJ69... =@


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