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THC in blood but not testing for it?



Hey, I used to smoke a while ago...about once a week so i wusn't ever a huge smoker. But i'm on this medicine now for my acne it's called acutane...and i have to get tested liver and triglicerites ect but i dont think it tests for reisine of thc. I have to take blood tests about ever month....i realy need to smoke so can anyone tell me if i can or not...???

i am about 6'2" 250 pretty big buy and dont smoke often with a medium metabilism

can someone pleeeease tell me if i can hit a bong or not?

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Doyou listen to bob marley mate, because you can start singing ...evreythings gunna be all rite,


There is no problem, to do a blood test they have different chemiclcals in the vials to take the blood so as get the right result and preserve etc, but thes are different, when you go they will do it in two vials, becasue there are two different tests that require adiffernt prepartion and if the doc did test fot THC he would be struck off the register in your state, is that cool mate any questions just post'em

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I have to take blood tests about ever month....i realy need to smoke so can anyone tell me if i can or not...???
Congrats, as syk613 has already pointed out, you can keep tokin' ;) I stressed out about it when I was younger, whether or not someone can tell when they took your blood if you had been smokin' pot. But they can't, it's illegal for them to do it without your permission ;)
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Roaccutane? Damn nasty stuff man, I hope you do better with it than I did... Your face dried up into a flaky white mess yet? That stuff is the nuclear arsenal of acne treatments, and has similar side effects to said weapons too... I really feel for ya buddy, I had to go off it about half way through the course because I had a massive reaction to the antibiotics you have to take whilst using the stuff. ;)


Yeah, no worries about the smoking, like chev and syk have pointed out, there is no way they can test for it without your knowledge and/or permission. We don't live in a police state, well, not yet anyway. ;) ......


.....Okay, it's pretty darn close to a police state but at least we can stop the bastards taking our blood if we don't want them to! ;)


So bong on good buddy, and good luck with the Roaccutane, I hope it helps you better than it did me. ;)

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i dont have acne that bad but i still take it and it works pretty good, i have another blood test in 2 weeks...can i smoke

i live in florida by the way ;)...i didn't kno if yall were on the same page cuz i thought ya were form australia

my mom is there when i take the blood test too....its like an open thing u walk in they take two big viles and a lil one and u walk out simple....not even a real doctors office

thank you sooo much for the info i'm still not positive cuz i realy cant get caught but i think after 2weeks i'll get smoke in my new pipe

o i'm on acutane not roacutane i dunno if theirs a diff???

but any more info would b greatly appreciated...thanx

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i dont have acne that bad but i still take it and it works pretty good,  i have another blood test in 2 weeks...can i smoke

i live in florida by the way ;)...i didn't kno if yall were on the same page cuz i thought ya were form australia

my mom is there when i take the blood test too....its like an open thing u walk in they take two big viles and a lil one and u walk out simple....not even a real doctors office

thank you sooo much for the info i'm still not positive cuz i realy cant get caught but i think after 2weeks i'll get smoke in my new pipe

o i'm on acutane not roacutane i dunno if theirs a diff???

but any more info would b greatly appreciated...thanx

Yeah dude that was me, i think, but doctors in the us are more stringent as there is alot more law suits,

There is no way they can do it and why would he, it is an expensive test, if there is a reason why they (doc, parents) are sus they can not do it without your permisson and any (+) result, in the unlikely event of this happening, would be meaningless, the cops can not use it, if you got fired you could sue, really it is just your parents you have to worry about not even your school


If you are older do not take offence the situation I was describing is just covering all the bases as you yanks say.


What is Florida lIke mate?, do you think a few more of you are gunna vote in 2004 ;) Or are you happy with Bush? Whatarea of florida, are you down near the keys, (spellcheck)

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Guest Wilderbud

I have to do a urine drug test tomorrow which will show any drugs used in the last 3 months. Its part of a Food and Safety industry induction.


Am I going to jail if I fail it?

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the results dont go to my school they go to my doctor for the medicine, the only problem is they tell my mom the results so i can keep taking the medicine

i just dont want them to tell my mom if i have smoked or not...


so the *botum* line is CAN I SMOKE YES OR NO???


O and i didn't live here when they voted i laughed at them too when i moved here...i moved from Houston texas i dunno if yall kno were thats from but its one of the funnest places to live...


as for the bush i will elect him as many times as possible ( considering he was my old govener) and his brother is now (florida) but i still think they need to nuke those sand niggers for doing that

did ya see that on tv when if happened??

i live in southern florida around west palm about an 3 hours from Disney World

Florida's pretty kewl beaches r nice girls are nicer nice breeze it's kewl i like the city better tho but its all good

i'm not near the keys but been there a few times AWESOME crazy parties too!!


and another thing i was meening to ask yall is, I was thinking about growing a couple plants back in the woods somewere any suggestions?

how hard is it and any tips would be appreciated


so thanx for the help and keep that lighter lit!!!

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man this is pretty mad, I am too taking this roacutane treatment, started it yesterday, and I thought id search google to see if i could still smoke weed, i know i cant drink alcohol but i wanted to search and see if cannabis was ok.. And i stumbled across this, my exact question! ;)


well im more concerned with wether or not me smoking will react with the roacutane, i couldnt care less if they found it in me in the test hehe.


so anyone know for sure if it wont react, because if i dont have alcohol i need weed at least!

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my question exactly, I don't care about the possibility that someone will find it in my blood, I just wanna know if it does any harm to my body or to the treatment that I smoke.

can someone please answer this question because I've stopped smoking since I started the treatment 3 weeks ago and it's driving me completely out of my mind....


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