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Spray bottles


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From the time I started growing I must have thrown out a couple of dozen spray bottles that stop working after a few uses.

At last I have found one thats worked for me problem free for over three months and still going strong.

I raided the cook and senior bud trimmer's cupboard in desperation one day and found this little gem so I've now placed a layby on four bottles of bathroom mould remover for her xmas present. :D


Anyone had any success with other spray bottles ? ;)


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Yeah, they're much better spray bottles. Although you pretty much get what you pay for. They may not cost much, but be sure it's made sturdy and look after it as well as you can. If you can afford a better one, I'd say get one.


I use my one which is similar to the one pictured above sometimes, but I'm more likely to use my 5l pressure sprayer now, as it's far more convenient... that can be made to a mist too, and it's got a nice wand on the end to make for easy access to hard to reach places. It's used more in the vege and orchid garden than the mj one, but it could easily be used for such purposes...


I also have a 500 ml spray pack of the more conventional type, and this is much better quality than the 1 buck wonders you get at the supermarket. Had that one for a year now, used for spot spraying with pesticides in summer, and it's never failed. I'll try and take a pic later today if you like. ;) Although it's nothing that special, it shows that spending the extra couple of dollars to get a good spray pack is worth the expense, particularly if you have a large outdoor garden or even a small indoor one. :D

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The 5ltr ones are cunts, I got a bunch and I gotta fix the diaphragms or they piss out all over your hand, they pretty old though. but I got 3 though and they are all fucked in different ways.

But I'd go for the 1ltr pressurised ones, they spray even finer and mistier than general spray bottles. and only cost about 6-7 dollars I think.

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GF got me this one - tres chic - I only use it misting, but I've only got a little tiny setup ;) The white bit coming out of the lid pulls out (it's pulled out in the pic - it retracts into the lid) and it fits over the nozzle, then you pump it up like a bike pump. It comes out like fly spray. It's also good for sraying yourself in the face on a hot day when you've had some hash and realise you forgot how stoned hash gets you. The lid goes back on and it looks like a little thermos. I don't know where she got it. Probably one of those kitchenware places like the vital ingredient.


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