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Spotty White Leaves

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Sounds like you have a white mould problem

When my crop was finished I used to leave the lights and fans off while they were flushing and thats when I start to get the mould so I keep the fans running now and dont have a problem with it anymore so I put the cause down to lack of adequate ventilation in a humid atmosphere.


You can try getting rid of the mould by adding a half teaspoon of bicarbonate soda (baking powder) to a litre of water and giving them a light spray but make sure you have plenty of airflow over the plants to evaporate the water :P

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If they're tiny white spots appearing on the upper sides of the leaf, then look underneath, you should find the culprits there. If they're larger, more pronounced white blobs, then yeah, they're scale... but they tend to attach to the stem rather than leaves... still, they can do so.


Sounds like you're either suffering from early mites or whitefly. We need a little more info, which I'm sure you'll soon return with. ;)


Oh, and welcome to the site. :P

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Ill have to try take a pic, Give me a few days.. Ill try sus it out, If not, the picture will have to tell the story ;)


Its not that i dont have enough seeds, but comon, It takes for ever for them to get to the stage of .. Enjoyment, Hence its a bit worrying.


PS. I can safly smoke these .. flys? :P .. if ever incase they continue on through budding within the mid next year

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