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doctor certificate/permission



I have always had problem sleeping but it’s getting worse recently. I have seen my ex mother-in-law eventually taking about 8 different pills a day so I refuse to take sleeping pills. I know marijuana helps me sleep since I have tried it a few time before.


I will see my GP very soon to ask for a doctor certificate/permission to use marijuana for medical purpose. Since I am new to this area, I have only seen him a few times. My GP is very nice and helpful but looks quite straight.


Does anyone have any suggestion how I should go about it please?


Thank you very much,


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pretty much you can talk to your gp about your problems and how cannabis may help or worsen these effects but it is illegal for him or her to write you a prescription or certificate, try finding a university or cannabis trial where you live and go through that although the possibility of finding one will be very little. still ask your docter but i doubt he would write you anything besides more pills seeing as that is his job legally.

sorry but just find some person who can get you high quality cannabis and vaporize it.

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If you go to the doctor you should ask them to prescribe you melatonin. They’ll want to give you benzodiazepines but they only work in the short term. Melatonin on the other hand is actually a hormone that is naturally produced by your body, which makes you tired at night. So instead of it just putting you to sleep for a few hours (like temazepams), melatonin actually resets your whole body clock so you only need to use it once in a while.


If you have always had problems sleeping, then it’s most likely because your body doesn’t produce enough melatonin.



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If you go to the doctor you should ask them to prescribe you melatonin. They’ll want to give you benzodiazepines but they only work in the short term. Melatonin on the other hand is actually a hormone that is naturally produced by your body, which makes you tired at night. So instead of it just putting you to sleep for a few hours (like temazepams), melatonin actually resets your whole body clock so you only need to use it once in a while.


If you have always had problems sleeping, then it’s most likely because your body doesn’t produce enough melatonin.




I have a feeling it's definitely true in my case. It's about 2am in the morning and I am totally awake - only slept for about 3hrs.


Fingers cross my GP will give me Melatonin today.


Thank you very much!

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hi mim,


let us no how that meletonin works , i only sleep 2 hours a night if im lucky useally i just lay there a rest me eyes , mine might be diffrent but im heaps hyper active 24/7


if its any good ill give it a go thumbup.gif



My GP recommended a light Melatonin called BIOGLAN (homoeopathic) Melatonin which you can get from any pharmacy without prescription.


I am supposed to take 3-5 tablets half an hour before bedtime – I took 3 about 20mins ago.


Will see how this goes.


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