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Synthetic cannabis products researched

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I've tried some of the newer blends of the Synthetics, and i must say they produce very similar effects to the original JWH types. I personally don't mind the stuff every now and then, i like to go hard sometimes and this stuff takes you to a place that the Cannabis I've smoked just can't get their. However, be warned that it is VERY easy to have too much and have a bit of a panic attack, I know i have had a few, it's probably not a good thing, but once you have experienced the bad highs the synthetics cause you no longer seem them as a bad high, I've found them to be quite enjoyable. One thing i don't like is the fact that like many people have said there is no real information about any of these chemicals anywhere or any adverse affects which may become evident down the line. Hopefully there are none but you never know.


Munchies, YES, you do get some bad munchies on the new synthetics, you just HAVE to eat.


I would recommend people stick to Cannabis, it's much cleaner, longer lasting, more satisfying and just feels more natural.


HOWEVER, if you are interested in exploring other types of highs or chemicals which i know many people may be by all means these chemicals are a different experience, but just be aware that it is NOT cannabis and a pinch of synthetic will send you soaring.


Also another thing to note which might freak people out is the effects are almost instant, you inhale, exhale and you get instant effects atleast with what i have found, relax and enjoy if you can.


I must say as well, not saying it will happen for everyone, but for some reason using this substance at a high dose i seem to be able to evaluate things which have gone on since last using the drug, or during that day, put them into perspective and move on. I used to find this a bit with cannabis but it is more intensified with this stuff, who knows.


Anyway, be safe and enjoy.

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Queensland police say they have seized $150,000 worth of synthetic drugs from 17 businesses and homes across the state's south-east.

Police say the drugs are advertised as 'legal highs' but probably contain banned chemical compounds.

Detective Superintendent Steve Holahan says so far two people have been charged with trafficking and producing dangerous drugs.

Police say further arrests are likely.

Detective Superintendent Holahan says Queensland laws ban many of the compounds in the synthetic drugs.

"We've got 22 compounds scheduled - actually listed," he said.

"We've got an extended definition of a dangerous drug which outlines that if a substance is an analog, a derivative or it has a substantially similar chemical structure and substantially similar pharmacological effects, it is a dangerous drug by definition."

He says it is important to get the drugs off the streets before the start of Schoolies this weekend.

"These substances that are often portrayed as legal highs and safe products have some very real dangers," he said.

"We have anectodal evidence recently in relation to incidents where people have died, and sustained serious injuries in other instances."

Detective Superintendent Holahan says some of the drugs contain a dangerous compound called Alpha-PVP.

"It's a psychotic-type substance and people suffer from their body overheating, psychotic events, very irrational behaviour, often leading to violent incidents where they cause significant destruction and often injure themselves as well," he said.

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The problem with these synthetic drugs is that consumers have no understanding as to the potential ill effects that could arise as a result of using these drugs/substances.


I specifically mean these "legal Highs" and mdma alternatives that get sold over the counter at stores like "Happy High Herbs."


There is no serious scientific research into their effects on human beings. This is primarily why these substances are currently legal. There is not enough research and study to support the ill effects of these drugs or really any serious potential effects of the drug and therefore they are sold on the market. The business operates because legal ramifications are not in place, to stop them being sold otherwise.


I used to google search some of the herbs and substances that get sold in these stores. I was only able to do so after consulting a lady who works for the store who knew the "secret ingredients" that make up these concoctions. In retrospect there is maybe only one small textual clipping on wikipedia listing the immediate effects of the herbs, but that's it. But long term use? These substances even in small doses for inconsistent and small exposure durations, could be responsible for anything from liver failure to bowel cancer.


It's that bad.


I would not touch these substances at all.


I think there has been enough research into the effects of Marijuana, this so for several decades, the ill effects have been noted, therefore people can take necessary precautions to avoid its use, if there is any margin for harm. I.e those with pre-existing mental health conditions, the very young and people who have been advised otherwise by a medical practioner.

Edited by ballarak
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havent ried em myself

concerns me when u hear the have ground up fluorescent glass amonst mix

its a bit like methadone to me

why take synthetic crap wen u can get the real thing

u wouldnt catch me dead smoking this synthetic crap

at least i know wat is in my pot

not thorwing my health to the wind to something they just move a molecule on to reclasify as legal

take care


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