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Synthetic cannabis products researched

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It just actually makes me curious why it would be such an issue for you if I did have a so-called “hard-on for the gearâ€.


I mean how is your attitude towards these synthetic cannabinoids any different from a right wing, alcohol drinking christian who claims cannabis is evil, but there drug of choice is just fine?




get a grip on reality ..


i posted this thread and prefaced it with ; i have research the subject on the internet (which may or may not be propaganda, but i wouldnt know for sure as im not a chemist)

i havent given any opinion or attitude regarding synthetic cannabinoids


ive never used the stuff, ive never seen it , all i know about it is what i read

but ive always had a keen interest in all drugs, been my life's work .. (maybe thats why im so f#%ked up now )

i posted this thread cause i wanted stimulate further discussion about it, to learn more ..


discuss the topic .. not me



Edited by Frazz
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hi frazz ,

heres my lil experiance on kronic , its better than the stuff i score here , an oldmates stuff was good ,


so i bought 3 grams of this i think it's kronic heres a pic of the pack post-40169-0-18362100-1321515321_thumb.jpg , an after 2 cones i was smashed thumbup.gif, but it made me hart work fast for about 5 mins if i had more than 4 cones , freakd me out a lil , i was very high for about 30 maybe 40 mins if i was lucky , it taist a lil perfumie , owe its a more uplifting stone / made me feel like doing something an wasnt a confusing stone , useally when im that stoned i just veg out

an you get useto it pritty quick

i got it from 1 of the 4 tobacanists here $60- for 3 grams , i askd him if its legal to sell , he said yes thumbup.gif so i wasnt argueing , then he grabs a small box from under the counter lol an its full of diffrent packits ,


other than the hart thing it was pritty good , but thats probly just me bongon.gif ill stick to pot, but its deff worth i try ,




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hi frazz ,

heres my lil experiance on kronic , its better than the stuff i score here , an oldmates stuff was good ,


i got it from 1 of the 4 tobacanists here $60- for 3 grams , i askd him if its legal to sell , he said yes thumbup.gif so i wasnt argueing , then he grabs a small box from under the counter lol an its full of diffrent packits ,


other than the hart thing it was pritty good , but thats probly just me bongon.gif ill stick to pot, but its deff worth i try ,





I thought they made kronic illegal. OR is this one of those chemically altered isomers that hasnt been made illegal? how manu chiral centres are there how many times can they alter this.

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I thought they made kronic illegal. OR is this one of those chemically altered isomers that hasnt been made illegal? how manu chiral centres are there how many times can they alter this.


yer so did i , i think someone forgot to tell that bloke , its kronic cause there was a packet there call'd kronic same packet just diffrent name ,


i ask'd him if he sells many he said heaps lol , then i ask'd wat they buy most , he threw dutch passion "strong" at me n said they keep comeing back for that one ..


theres a site you can cheq out ---- www.K2incense.com.au , i havent gone to it ,





heres the warning on the back ,, this product is intended to be used as incense lol,, for aromatherapy use only .


the deliberate smokeing of this product bongon.gifmay result in you getting HIGH an experiencing hallucinations or delusions , doh.gif.


ingrediants ; turnera diffusa (also known as damiana ),, fragrance oil ,, ... so it looks like they just call the chems in it fragrance oil , they forgot to mention its speeds you up , ack.gif


forgot this bit yesty ,, when i had a cone the chem taist was deff strong

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Cool Captain =) , great write up on the products. If I was inclined to use the synthetic, it would save me a fortune in Munchies................................Nah, i like da Munchies. hehe

People are gonna use this shit, all I want is for people to research it a bit and look at stuff like Marinol, another synthetic Cannabanoids. There have been proven deaths from that and links to deaths from these new types of synthetics for smoking.

The racing heart thing you can get with normal weed but I think in synthetics it is a far worse affect.


this is just a small chemical study and effects trial, seems to be the products cause problems with the heart by raising blood pressure and heart rate, being the main re-occurring theme in all deaths.

There were a HEAP more links to deaths from Synthetic cannabis, but they can't PROVE it was actually the synthetic because the deaths are usually respitory or heart failures.

Some are not even deaths but major seizures and hospitilizations.

I would of downloaded more but me puter is a bit slow. Here's one on the inventer of JWH-018, Professor Huffman, and what he thinks.....


The reason why they label it "Incense- Not for human Consumption" is because if they didn't they would have to actually have it tested as a consumable and it also gives them a nice little escape if someone dies from it and it can be proven that it was a version of a synthetic Cannabis. they can then say, it was never intended to be smoked...... Nice work eh.


just check it out, make up ya own mind, guggle has a heap of more info............... me, I'll stick to the original and best. Natures own medicine. Peace. gh72

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Hi Guys,


Long time since i been here..


I have tried Ash (black Label), believe it is banned now.


Quite a strong hit but the high isn't like good pot and doesn't last as long. If you have too much it can give you a headache as it has a strong hit.


Worst I ever tried was "Slappa". You are not meant to have big cones but I thought it was pot as it passed by a friend & we had a few bowls going. I was over heating and my heart was racing, I tried to control it and then my brain felt like it was pulsating and I could feel my brain contracting in my skull. I actually reached that moment where I said to myself if you make it stop I will never smoke it again. (I only have 2 cones maximum now if my friends ever bring it)


Also tried Minga which was a bit weaker then Slapper


One thing i know is smoking too much gives you a bad bad headache unlike chronic pot which gives you a soaring enjoyable high.

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I heard that it doesn't show up in urine tests etc. YET. Maybe that would be part of a good sales pitch for it, for some people.


I know two brothers that grow there own weed who have smoked it and they say they like it. :scratchin:


I am not for or against it but agree that it should be thoroughly researched, especially before being allowed to be sold legally.Until then it could be sold by the likes of some airhead, that has been brought up by some airhead, with stars in her eyes and rocks in her head,that has no product knowledge and has never heard of duty of care toward her customers.


If my Grandkids ever bought this stuff from such as this airhead and got hurt, well.... don't worry about the coppers, because as sure as the sun comes up in the morning I would be taking care of business my self ! :nono:


good thread Frazz :hi: :gathering: :gathering: hope there is heaps more discussion and reports of hands on experience about this topic.



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Yes sharpie you are correct, these synthetics don’t show up on any traditional drug test, which is why these incense blends are very popular with people whom get drug tested.


Anyway, these new generation of synthetics they’re using are probably a lot more worrying than the old JWH-XXX Their probably using synthetics like XRL-11 now, but there’s very little information on the Internet about this chemical so it’s hard to tell. Although, the police recently confiscated a heap of a product called venom in WA and it was found to contain XRL-11 and AM-2201. AM2201 is definitely illegal so I don’t know how there getting away with it, since venom is still being openly sold on the Internet. Though, it’s probably because the police are smoking venom themselves and are happy to keep on just busting harmless cannabis smokers, while they let people just freely make shit loads of money by selling these unknown chemicals.


Btw, I notice people saying they don’t cause the munchies in this thread and although I can’t actually remember whether JWH caused the munchies, I can tell you that the new gen of synthetics most certainly do cause an extreme case of the munchies, which is way more intense than cannabis. Basically where cannabis will just cause you to raid your cupboards every once in a while in for something sweet. These new gen synthetics turn me into a complete junk food junkie, to the point where I’ll just be like “who gives a fuck about getting fat” and just head down to the servo at 2am and buy a few big bags of Doritos and just eat till my stomach is in pain and I can’t physically fit anything else in.


All the effects from these new synthetics are completely intensified compared to cannabis. It’s way more potent and instead of the harmless paranoia that cannabis can produce, these synthetics can cause a full on case of dread.


First time I tried the new gen of synthetics it was a product called code black (I think I posted about it here already), which is no longer available and it was way more potent than anything else going around atm. I had one full cone with no tolerance and seriously thought I’d been poisoned and was about to die. I’m talking pure dread, my whole life flashed before my eyes.


I’ve over done it with a lot of different drugs in my time, but have never felt anything as intense as that. Luckily the effects only last about 20 minutes, just like all the other blends going around atm. You build up a tolerance fairly quickly though.


Anyway, I’d personally advise people to stick with cannabis, since the chemicals there using now are basically unknown to science and their long-term effects are a complete mystery, so you’re basically being a lab rat by smoking them. But if you do want to try them for whatever reason, then just start off with half a cone at the most and go from there.

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