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free power 10,000 watt grow

Guest mr evo 3

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The old style dial meters are simple to slow down or stop them spinning altogether...not gonna tell ya how tho as I don't even do it myself any more & ya would be in the shit if a meter reader read ya meter while it was set up that way - ok to do if you know that no-one else can access ya meter.

Anyway, I was wonderin how much on average peoples lecy bill is. My last few have ben nearly $700 a quarter!!!! Yes $700 for 3 months! I am in Adelaide area & our bills have skyrocketed recently, but I still feel $700 is too f'in much. I only have 1 x 880 wat hps globe, computer type fans, water heater etc. I have a water bed which I reckon uses lots of juice but we do not have lecy heating or aircon, my neighbour has a similar bill but does use lecy heating/cooling. The lecy company says I have to pay for a meter test!!! I turn off telly's videos etc so dont know where the fuck my money is going? Surely 1 x 880 bulb & assosciated gro equipment cannot be that much. Even if I was running the 880 globe 24 x 7 (it is on for 8 hours a day at the mo) it should not be that pricey - there was a great link on one site to a gro cost calculator that you entered your wattage & cost per killowatt hour & hours lights on & it worked out to the cent the running costs for a month for ya - anyone got that link? I think it was on overgrow but I have searched in vain for it.

Would be interested to find out others bills as mine seems too excesive to me. Especially any south aussies as we are getting ripped by the new lecy regs & AGL I reckon! Since they derugulated the power industry it has all gone pear shaped! Why the fuck does our government sell off utilities to foreign owned companies - surely the point of government is to look after it's citizens & supply basics such as healthcare, education & utilities? So why do they sell off the utilities? If ya get rid of all the cutlery ya have nothing left to eat with... Anyway, this old hippy is digressing now...


Stay safe...

Edited by budsta
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hey budsta, how much you paying per KWhr (kilo watt hour)


to find out how much something is costing you, multiuply the cost of your electricity per KWhr in dollars (usually 10-15 cents) by the wattage of your fixture by the time period, then divide by 1000 and you have how much that fixture is costing you in dollars over that time period.


eg if you pay 15c per KWhr

have a 880watt globe

run it for 8 hours per day


your cost would be 0.15 x 880 x 8 / 1000 = $1.06 per day


other potential power suckers are dryers and fridges. old fridges can really suck power big time. if your seals are bit dodgy try to replace them, also try turning your temp. dial a bit warmer. someone posted here once that you save a lot of power just by not having your fridge on the coldest settings. I wouldn't know this myself though.


myself, I've never got a power bill under $600 that I can remember.

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Hi Budsta,


You are in luck today. I found that site a few days ago. I reckon it is invaluable as it has GE rating, Humidity and Measurement calcs there as well. Here it is for you and all the others.

Very soon, I am going to ask a heap of questions about growing as it has been ages since I did it ( grow that is ). I hope there are plenty of people out there with the time to help me out.

All the best to all.



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You are a legend gaytime, I was looking for that url fa ages!


Works out that an 880 globe on for 24 hrs a day continiously would only be $120 a month! That is at 19 cents Kw hour & it is about 16.5 cents in reality - I am being ripped somewhere I'm sure!


& cheers for ya tips too pipeman.


Jah bless all you oztoners out there...

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Heya Budsta, aren't the electricity prices in Adelaide criminal? Check what other appliances you have that are electricel. Hot water, Cooking and Heating? are they electricity or gas? The house we rented before we bought had horrendous electricity bills with only two 400's running($500-$600 pq). After i really checked the place out, i found that all the systems were gas exept for one 1,8 kw hot water heater hidden in a false cupboard(in the laundry) supplying hot water for the washing machine(which only used a cold wash). So if you work that out, a 1,8 kw element is heaps of power wasted. I switched it off in a hurry!!!! Bills went down to about $400. Maybe it was a bit dodgy, i dunno. If you have electrical hot water checjk what temp. the water is, maybe you can turn it down, this saves heaps on power. The AGL website has good info. on how to save $ on your electricity. In the house we have bought i have used energy saver bulbs in all the lights and had gas hot water and cooking installed(the heating is gas also- a hellava lot cheaper!) When are they going to invent gas grow lamps for SA growers??:(...
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Thanks for that mate. I have lots to ask of all of you.

In my set-up, do I leave the nute pump on all the time or regulate it for x time on and x time off?


Also, does anyone know a good site I can go to that will show me all about SCROG and is it a viable proposition to do it by starting from seed? I have been promised clones for ages but like a win in lotto, it never happens.


Ok, next question:

At what strength do I start the seedlings off on and for how long before I start increasing it and up to what strength. I wish I hadnt read so many different articles, they all contradict each other to such an extent that I am completely confused about the whole bloody thing. Should have taken up knitting instead. ROFL


And another:

Is there a foolproof way to take clones. I stuffed around with a mongrel male plant just for the hell of it but none grew. Boo Hoo, oh woe is me.


Please can someone help me and REALLY soon as my seeds will be here next week.


Thanks in advance

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Hey there gaytime, let's see if I can't try and help you out. Although it would be much easier for other members to find your post and answer such questions if you started your own thread on the subject.... Try the indoor growing forums.... :D


In my set-up, do I leave the nute pump on all the time or regulate it for x time on and x time off?


I totally depends on the system, if it was a drip fed one you may well have a nute pump running for the light period... (you don't need to feed during the night cycle) but if it's a recirculating system, say with expanded clay, then you'd probably just be spurt feeding, for a few minutes every few hours. If you give us some more details on the specifics of your proposed setup, then we can help you out more.


Also, does anyone know a good site I can go to that will show me all about SCROG and is it a viable proposition to do it by starting from seed? I have been promised clones for ages but like a win in lotto, it never happens.


There are some scrog forums here, but the link I usually point people to to learn about it is Scrog Advanced Tactics.... If you have more specific questions, try posting a question on the boards in the scrog forums. As to whether you can grow scrog from seed... well, yes, but most of the time it's done with clones, as then you've got uniform growth, as well as not having to grow out males in the space unproductively. Still, it can be done. I'd advise you take a look around for some of the clone banks which are linked here, these have excellent genes available across australia for a minimal cost.


At what strength do I start the seedlings off on and for how long before I start increasing it and up to what strength. I wish I hadnt read so many different articles, they all contradict each other to such an extent that I am completely confused about the whole bloody thing. Should have taken up knitting instead. ROFL


Yeah, there are more ways to grow pot than there are gardeners growing it.... :( The thing is, no-one can give you a definite answer to this question, as it's another situation totally dependent on the system, whether you're growing clones or seeds, and to a degree even the strain you are using. Most seedlings won't need supplimentary fertilisation of any strength for at least a few days... Then if they are in a pure hydro system, (with no nutrients available to the plants in the media) you would need to start low and slowly move up as the plants get bigger.... But once again, more details than this I cannot give you, as we know not which system/strain/environment (yeah, temp affects how much nutrient you need to use too...) you are growing in. Start a thread asking such questions with a detailed background on how you plan to grow and I'm sure you'll be able to get more specific answers.


One thing on nutes tho, less is better than more. Overfertilisation is something that will quickly damage or even kill plants. Underferting can be just as bad, but it takes longer to become a serious problem and is pretty readily identified... and thus easily fixed by slightly increasing concentration. There is a saying amongst gardeners, weakly weekly. In a hydro system you're providing nutes all the time, but the idea is the same, less nutes applied more often is better for plant growth than large amounts separated by large amounts of time. ;)


And another:

Is there a foolproof way to take clones. I stuffed around with a mongrel male plant just for the hell of it but none grew. Boo Hoo, oh woe is me.


No, there is no foolproof way to grow plants, as plants are living creatures which fools should not be looking after. :( I get what you're saying tho... check out the cloning, strains and hybrids forum. There are many descriptions on cloning and how to fix problems with the process.


Well, I hope that helps mate, just let us know a few more details and we will be able to help you out, but until then, this is about as much as I can offer you without saying something which is both right and wrong at the same time. Good luck GTG, with some perseverance you'll be growing your own ganga in no time. :(

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Thanks heaps Mr. (Sir) Skywalker. I am green with envy after looking at your pics. I must say that your set-up looks more sterile than an operating theatre. Beautiful mate.


You mentioned about me making a "thread" to ask all my questions in but being a dum assed prick, I wouldnt have the faintest idea on how to go about it. HELP?


As as the set-up, I am using a recirc. system with expanded clay. From the pump, tubing runs along the top of each pot and has a nozzle spurting into the clay. Allong the bottom, each pot is connected and runs back into the tank. I have 8 pots. 4 at the back and 4 at the front. Each run of pots has its own feed and drain line. Shit, I wish I knew how to put up a pic, it would be sooooo much easier. I tried earlier but f'all happened. Might try again now. Will grab the cam and see what I can do.


Fingers crossed please.

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