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free power 10,000 watt grow

Guest mr evo 3

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well, simply put, I got a lot of shit and live really innefficiently. The main culprits are the washing machine, dryer and airconditioning I think. I also got electric hot water and a big TV and computer screen, they suck the power pretty good too I reckon. My bills come quarterly, so thats every 90 days. but, I'm living in a new place now and I don't think I'll be using as much power.
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hello everyone, i like the idea ya's gave about changing all the incadecent bulbs with c.f's. i've been picking up 2 aweek.


i once knew a bloke who put in an inground pool to cover his ass where the power bill was concerned. he had a massive set up.


worked great until their 9 year old son backed the family wagon through a false wall and trashed the whole system.


after that he went back to growin outdoors.

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Wanna see leaps and bounds in electricy bills? join a fish keeping club.


I used to breed Australian, and NG rainbow fish. I had 20-30 tanks, and when winter came rolling around, had 20-30 heaters running to keep the tanks heated.


Of course, the cheapest way to heat that many tanks is to insulate a room, and heat the room, but I was renting a house, and the tanks were in the shed, with no real way of even stopping drafts.


I have one friend that still breeds fish, on a commercial scale in a shed in Woodford, where it gets pretty cold in winter. He has so many huge tanks I wouldn't dare guess at how many he has. He hasn't ever had a call on him from the cops as far as I know, and he does the whole affair in a huge steel shed in thebush, exactly the way you'd set up a massive indoor grow.


My bill went from a touch over 100 dollars, to nearly 500 in one hit. Everyone in the aquarium club I was joined in had the same complaint, and although I hadn't even considered running an indoor grow back then, not one person ever in any of the clubs I was involved in had the electricty company, or the police show up in question to the astronomical bills. And everyone got them. The clubs are very cliquey, and just one incident would have gone around in gosspi like wild fire.


Many people who keep aquariums run HPS and MH lights these days for their fish, to grow good aquatic plants, coral, and to simpy show up fish colours better. You should check the prices an aquarium charges for a simple 400 watt HID . Man that's where the dollars are.


Anyway, if you want to steal the power, and I really gave this a lot of thought when I lived remotely, and had to read our own meters, you have to take a few risks.


One is that all the power u run will be unprotected, as in it wont be fed through the meter, so it wont have breakers in there to protect u if a light blows, or a fan burns out, or similar. A simple short could set fire to your house and endanger the lives of yourself, and the kids if u have any.


Another problem is that the wiring is constantly alive on that side of the meter. Where I was living, they often dropped the drop out fuses right next to my house, to play with the power lines further up the line. I often thought that would be the time to act, they would set times, say 9-12, and all power would be off for that time. And even if they came back early, the drop outs were virtually in my back yard , way up the back paddock of a large farm. I would hear them as I worked away, and would not get fried. I'd have no power if I wasn't finshed, but I'd live.


But in suburbia, i dont know how you'll get that convienience (assuming you're in suburbs).


But if you do it, go the expense, and buy a circuit board and protect yourself with some breakers i think.

Be a bugger to have to read ya typing if ya fingers are fried off.




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I thought this thread was shifted to the bitching room?....


anyway...I lived with a guy who used to sit next to a heater with the reverse cycle air con. going all winter, insummer it was the oppisite with a fan and the air con. Because I used to work away he was by himself and would get power bills just under 400 bucks every quart.!...The last flat I lived in had free hot water and my power bill was about 35 bux a quarter!!...I owned the joint so there was no rent either...cheap living!....shame I blew all my money all the time...oh well....

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I am an Electrician, and know just about every trick in the book to steal power, However .............


If I wrote out the instructions to steal power from my house, it wouldn't work next door because the metering configuration is a little older, and difffernet. Again, the house next door to that is different again.... such and so forth.


Only a competant and experienced Electrician could perform such a task, whilst minimising risk of death, pain, or even just a court case for theft, and growing.


I have to disagree with thoes that say the Electricity Supply Authority will come knocking on your door if your power bill increases. I worked for the Electricity Supply Authority for years.

there are heaps of reasons power bills jump. you installed airconditioning, got another fridge, had more people move in, changed water from gas to electric. the list is endless
Someone . Maybe you went on Holdays and used no power. Maybe you left the electrica blankets on in the spare room. they don't care. They don't even know how much power is actually going down the street in the power lines. The only thing that would get you busted for stealing power is if a Supply Authority Electrician opened up your switchboard - which does happen from time to time. It is very very easy for an electrician to spot something that is wrong, even tho it just looks like a jumple of wire to most people.


Consider the following for a moment. I am a Qualified Electrican. I have 2 trucks full of every tool needed to steal power sitting in my drive way. I even have the seal's and sealing pliers to legitimatly seal the meters back up so No- one would know. STILL - I pay for every cent I use becasue rule No# 1 of growing is - Raise no susspicians - dont tell anyone, and dont do anything that might get you busted - (or killed).



(Sorry for the sermon & lengthy post)


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I currently live with people like that wezz - 2 dole bludgers, my boyfriend and one nerd.. the doleys sit in the house all day with 1 heater in their room and the central heating going, and it goes all night even though I turn it off.. then in summer the fuckin fans and coolers and stuff go all day and night..


the last power bill was $600



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Guest Babybear

Man i could easy see 300+ power bills considering there is 1 1/2 ppl here an used $250 last 1/4 never had a bill under 180 yet an had a pretty old big fridge which i just replaced,


Id love to steal power,, :( but man if it was that easy we would all do it ,


Not really the only free power id like to get is solar power But dam the solar thingys are pretty expensive.

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