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transplanting clones


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I have about 40 clones (1st clones) i have transplanted and they seem to be very week for the first 24 to 48 hours and they perk right back up after a little mist and fulvic acid, do you have any suggestions on transplanting and any type of stimulator i should use. Also the clones are about 6 to 12 inches high at transplant is this big enough and how big should i expect them to get, also is there any type of pruning i should be doing or topping to make more buds?
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Hi dbltoker and welcome aboard, with the clones how have u started them off in rock wool cubes or how ever u done them, and did u do them under a HID or under CF, if u done them under a CF and putting them under a hid it will take a day or 2 for them to get use to the HID, but if u can give us a little more info we will be able to help u out a bit better.
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