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I lost every plant I had this weekend when my dear old mother decided to spruce up my garden mistaking my young ducksfoot plants for weeds...


She also noticed I had a few plants in pots and commented on them, I said they were some odd plant I had found in the garden when I moved in and decied to cultivate them to see what they were. She knew what they were and told me so.... At least she beleaved me when i said i had no clue as to what they were. So she up rooted them and disposed of them.... I now have a few extra plants in my garden and a few less weeds. Alas I am without my babies....


Shes staying here now and things are looking down...


no more stoning no more plants no more life...


But at least I have good food and free house cleaning :P

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:P the cases i got now are too small. I just found 2 small plants in the far corner of the garden real little babies. Im going to go get a pot now and set them up in my pc case. 18/6 you think?


I hate to say it but ol mums a bitof an alco... smokes like a chimney too


If she got stoned I think she would rip my place apart..... the alco is enough as it is :P

Edited by Black_one
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I just remembered My old grandmother on my fathers side tryd to grow pot once for a cashcrop. the roo's ate the lot. Shes always on about smoking the stuff... she thinks its a gateway drug Tho if I sat down and talked to her I think she would be into growing.


HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA PML I just went to look for a small pot and found POT!!!! The old coot kept one!!! Hid it behind a heap of bushes and empty pots!!! I think I may have a talk to her later :P I SIMPLY CANNOT BELEAVE THIS!!!!! She kept the bushiest, most potant healthy one as well

Edited by Black_one
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Guest billy bonger

:P I can totally relate to alco mums, get my mum on the rumbo and it's a fuckin mess.

When we were younger and my mum a bit tamer my brother had her thinking a MJ plant was a tomato plant,had her fertilizing it and all!,untill my little sister dobbed him in.


Maybe you can get into canna cooking, so as to avoid the no smoke issue :) .


billy bonger :P

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Guest Wilderbud

Hey, I should have said this first up - dont hide things from your mum no matter what the consequences IMO. If you believe growing and smoking marijuana is what you want to do then let her know [its illegal and she may be worried about this - worrying about something is awful].


I was pretty distraught the day I woke up with a baggy missing and everyone asking if Id lost something but I just came clean and said its mine and I want to get high [i was a recreational smoker back then]. It was put away safely for me and I asked for it to never be moved again because its a nightmare when you go to smoke some weed and its missing [for me anyway].


I moved out of home to give my parent a place to continue looking after other peoples children. I was a smoker and didnt want my mum to lose her job over my drug use. I had the choice of moving out or giving up smoking at 17 and shocked my mum when I moved out but it was better supposedly [i had a stepdad who hated drug use even though he was a pill popper]. :P


Good luck with the remainder of the grow if you choose to keep growing. :P

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That's some funny shit Black one, maybe your mother knows quite a bit more about Cannabis sativa L. than she's letting on... hee hee...


Yeah, be honest with her man, I thought my olds would be deadset against it too, but when I let them know that I was supplying myself, and that it's not as bad as they think it is, they were actually pretty okay about it. They've never ratted me out as they know it would only make my life worse, and it's encouraging to know that even conservative parents can use their common sense sometimes... :P :P


Maybe you should sit down and discuss the relative merits and disadvantages of growing your own supply... you never know, she may actually be happier to have you growing than you thought... like you said, she kept one, and a good un at that, so yeah, I'd talk to her about it and see what she thinks about a small indoor grow, or a couple outdoors... I know it's not exacltly going to be easy to broach the subject, but I have a feeling things are going to work out for ya man... :)

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You could try what i did. Convert your Mum

My mum used to be totally against it until i search the net for useful info and made her realise that pot id good and the american government have fooled the everyone into thinking its evil.

Took some time but im 23 still living at home using the old ladies electricty to feed me and my friends and now she thinks my plants are beautiful. Still doesnt like the smell but

No offence to anyone but it shits me when drinkers look down on dope smokers. Dope smoking hurts the individual that does it and no one else. Drinking hurts the entire family and alot of the time kills someone of no relation at all to the drinker thru drink driving. Its sad the level of alcohol abuse in the world but its looked at as if its a good thing a lot of the time. How many times have you heard the excuse "yeah but i was drunk". And that makes it ok

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