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Today Tonight and the evil marijuana

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This is just the typical bullshite put out by these so-called "current affairs" shows, all designed to inflame the audience and gain ratings... It worked too, even the stoners were watching... ;) :)


How about we put together a letter for sunrise and show this story for what it is... lies, and more lies... I think we need to refute this kind of story as soon as it comes out. :P


Perhaps that little tidbit you've shared about the joints flying around at the party should be passed onto the competition? :P Imagine the fur which would fly then...


If Media Watch had a current season, this would have to be one story to point their way, as it's possibly the finest example of what not to do as a reporter. ::P: Maybe they could show it at universities too... make a great lesson for prospective journo's... "Propaganda Reporting 101" :P

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How about we put together a letter for sunrise and show this story for what it is... lies, and more lies... I think we need to refute this kind of story as soon as it comes out. :P

We definitly need to refute every lie and unsubstantiated claim, consistently, but I think first we need to organise ourselves to the point where we can respond quickly and even pre-emptively as an organisation.


Long-term we need registered associations, political parties and businesses to represent us - groups that can be recognised as an authority on the subject. You want it to get to the stage where we are the people the media come to when they're preparing a show and want the pro-cannabis arguments, we're the people they want to fill in spots in debates to provide a balanced view etc. Andrew Katelaris has been doing a great job, and he's been given that opportunity because he's a respected doctor and professional, he's not some disorganised hippy that only serves to illustrate and solidify our opponents arguments.


First, we need to get organised. We need people from each state to step forward, and we need everyone to keep in regular contact, share information and contribute whatever skills they have. We need state and territory groups, all coming together at a national level as well to share ideas and information. Once we've got a band of people, we need to simultaneously reach more sympathetic ears and increase our numbers, and start taking action. We need a blueprint for what works and what doesn't, and we need to mirror these activities in each state in a co-ordinated fashion - share our success stories and failures, talk about why they did/didn't work, and form a basic strategy that we can put onto paper and make available to any Australian group that wants to participate.


We need to raise public awareness on a national level, consistently raising the bar and keeping the issue alive. Everyone has an opinion already, but we need to expose the traditional lies and impart truth and knowledge. This will change public opinion - after all we're right, and anyone who spends a bit of time learning the facts will eventually come around to our side. It's just a matter of coming together for a common cause like this, the massive groundswelling that would be required will take many years to build and maintain, we're going to need a lot of people, a lot of volunteers, a lot of activists, legal advice, sound financial management, strategy, PR, legal advice, printing, legwork. The more people that join us, the less work everyone has to do individually to maintain the same level of momentum.


This could all be over within 10 or even 5 years, given enough people and a well thought out and implemented campaign. It starts with volunteers, but fundraising - even commercial ventures and sponsorship - will be needed to drive it home.


And all it takes is a couple of people to start it off. I'm willing to donate time and effort to this, for the rest of my life if I have to. Are you? ;)

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Guest Wilderbud
Id love to get publically involved in the anti-prohibition argument but its hard to commit to while smoking and growing illegally. Its not uncommon to hear an activist get raided and I cant be bothered with that stuff. Ill read the marijuana australiana site and go to events - hopefully more people have the balls to do what you do AA - I just couldnt handle the stress right now but I would love to do it if I was allowed to use MJ.
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You now I'm right behind you mate, so good luck and I look forward to seeing you at MA (marijuana australiana) ;),

That post sounds suspiciously like a mission statement/set of goals/manifesto, (:P) have you got something like that at MA, in the about us bit ,maybe. if not, that kind of thing could be useful somewhere in the forums(?). Good luck mate.

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I cannot watch that garbage and I urge everyone else not to watch it...


Just a couple of things...That skank that is the host of the show a while back had a haircut that was absolutly shocking, especially for a TV presenter. So bad in fact that on a Seinfeld they had a episode that had a lady with the exact same hair do and they were all taking the piss out of her!! ::P:


Also, ever see the comedy on the ABC called "Frontline" ?...It was about taking the piss out of current affairs programs etc...Well, they used to have the presenter do this clicking thing with his tounge and then go..."Mmmmmm"....Well, that fucken slag on TT does the same thing!!...hahaha...stupid fucken cunt she is!!


But...EVERYONE VOTE ON THERE SITE !!.....they have a poll which asks "Is MJ dangerous?".....make sure you vote!


Show these pricks what for !!...HERE

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