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Today Tonight and the evil marijuana

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Anyone see the horrors of marijuana on Today Tonight this evening? (24th. Nov). Apparently this woman's son killed himself because he smoked all this pot for a few weeks, while on holiday. He returned home, to Tasmania and did himself in.


Says a lot more about the situation of living in Tasmania for youth than it does about grass I reckon.


But what was amazing was the pictures they showed of this kid on holiday were full of images of Jim bean, and Jack Daniels, and booze was barely mentioned.


The idiot woman reckons she felt that he son was in a safe environment because he was in the centre of the country at Alice Springs ( I think it was there), and amongst Aboriginals. She didn't think he could be safer anywhere, and was shocked to find that there was marijuana and alcohol amongst the aboriginal community. Where has this woman been all her life? And she's a DOCTOR!


Anyway, the thing I wanted to harp about was all the wild, wild mis-information that was dribbled on the show. The wildest, and it can still be read at Today tonight's web site, is they claim the average hydroponic plant cashes in at an average of $20 000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean..PER PLANT!


Read all about it hereLies lies and more lies


Fuck me, these pricks can say what they want.



Edited by RobbieGanjaSeed
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Yeah I could not believe the price either. Each hydro plant $20,000. Fuck there must be some multi-millionaire personal growers out there.


They also blamed hydro like on the recent ACA story. Seems the latest myth.


I think it was more than drugs or alcohol that killed this guy. Poor mis-informed mothers clutching at straws.



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Fuck me, did anyone tape it? I completely forgot it was on, syk613 only got the last half - anyone get the whole thing? I'll pay cash for the tape and postage, or send you a new tape - all gets encoded to RealVideo and uploaded for everyone to watch.


*slams head repeatedly into wall*

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Hey, we have had programmable video recorders for years.

Slam your head another time. :P

Yeah but you got to remember to program them ::P:


Isnt the video on the TT website?


Haven't checked them out yet, but I got the impression they were extra information - not the show itself. Stupid bloody embedded plugins....



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A good friend of mine killed himself a few years back - jumped off a bridge. He smoked pot, but he also had a lot of problems. He would have done it whether he smoked pot or not. Guns can kill people, but they still need a fuckwit to pull the trigger.


I also liked the term they used -"Supergrass" - me and gf were smokin some of my supergrass when we wached the show. And the police officer who said this supergrass can grow buds as big as a man's fist!

GF turned to me an said - "He obviously hasn't seen some of your buds"


And what about that Doctor who grows pot? How weedy were his seedlings.....massive stretch. We shou;d give him some grow advice.

And the THC levels they showed - Bubbleberry 6% THC or whatever.

Champs oil - 75 % THC - GIMME SOME!

There was no mention of CBDN's either. THC is not the only active ingredient.

Naomi is cute, but she should get it right. I've also been at a party where Naomi was present, (She's quite little in person)and there were many joints flying around. I should stress I did not see her touch one though. She has lovely eyes, don't you think? I wonder if she's seeing anyone....

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