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is this normal?


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Guest Wilderbud

Im sure everyone will agree with me when I say dont smoke it until its ready. :P


I think youve got the grow season nicely so its probably going to flower at the correct time. Im surprized theres no pre-flowers at that size but theyll popup soon.


I think youre going to have 2 monsters as theres still a couple of months of growing to do. :P

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Maybe I am missing the point of this thread, but if they are seeds and are not an inbreed line then you will get plants with differnet genotypes and therefore phenotypes so they will look, smoke etc different. It all depends on how many different copies of the same gene existed in the population of plants in the 1st place but if you think about it that is why you don't look exactly like your brother, both of you started from the same "plants" tho, IMO and hypothetiaclly speaking. In this case I agree it could be a male. Edited by syk613
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ok something strange has happened, it seems the shorter bushier one maybe male ;)

this pic looks like balls to me but just thought id get opinions first coz other members have said plants they thought were male turned out not to be, if it is then how long have i got before it will fertalize the female plants? i havent seen any bits of pollen like dust yet. i had to move them back inside once again coz i rescued them from the storm we had in melb and the weather has been shit since so i may as well let them get some decent light inside till it gets warm again.... ;)


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You've got males there, :D and they look like they're opening. As soon as they do the pollen will be released, and root anything female in the near vicinity. You may not see the pollen, as early releases are usually small. The stuff is a lot finer than you'd think. Like the finest powder...


Anyway, if you've got a boy and a girl in there, get rid of the boy IMMEDIATELY. There are usually a few days after you've sexed from preflowers before they release, but those shots show some very mature male flowers there. If both plants are the same, then sorry, but you lost the genetic dice roll... Try again. You can still smoke them, they just contain nowhere near the levels of thc and other cannabinoids that female plants do. Some members use them for bubblehash, honey oil or even cannabutter extraction too. No sense in it going to waste. :(


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news...


Are both plants the same? Or are there more than 2? :(

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