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is this normal?


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i wonder if its already rooted the girls, dirty bastard! :( Thats presuming that the others arent also male, cant see anything resembling balls yet. Ah well, can only wait n see and pray. i wouldnt be so pissed if it were not for the fact that its the bushiest healthiest looking plant out of the lot. I will definatly be getting clones if i grow again, not worth all this trouble only to find out its a bastard. At least i have learnt alot and i guess thats what a first grow is about..... :(

id like to keep the male to at least get some mature flowers out of it, coz they can be smoked, i know coz ive already had leaves off that and its pretty potent even for a male plant, just need to use about 5 times as much as usual. So when they go back outside how far apart would i have to keep them so it doesnt root the girls? or is it not worth the risk...

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Maybe 5 km or so to ensure no cross pollination? :( Yeah, they're that potent... it's a wind pollinated plant, so any pollen in the near vicinity will likely be blown towards your females at one stage or another. Course, that far away it'd be unlikely to pollinate your female, but still quite possible, depending on where you live.


In other words, get rid of the boy... :( ASAP unless you'd like some seedy buds. And unless you can guaruntee exlusion then don't bother. Few growers indoors can do this, let alone outdoor growers. :D

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