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Mj death?

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Guest Wilderbud

Ill continue...


Marijuana is a mood enhancer and its very good at this as well as being great for pain relief. Phycosis IS a side effect of heavy marijuana use AFAIK [correct me if Im wrong again].


Maybe this guy done something while stoned that he couldnt live with? He may have been a sexual deviant or a victim of some sort and decided he wanted to flush the memories the best way he could think of.


Who knows! :mellow:


Dont blame organically grown marijuana. I might write a poem with this title sometime if people keep putting organically grown marijuana into the same category of hydroponically grown marijuana.

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Yep again I can not find fault with your argument , but my point remains MJ kills 0ppl/year while alcohol and nicotine (legel drugs) kill many 1000's, I don't wish to argue with you about the pro and cons of mj use and its adverse effects, but the 1st link below (in my sig) gives a reference that states there is no proof mj cause psychological damage, BUT this statement says this hypothesis is very hard to prove, so yes IMO I would agree THC can cause psychosis BUT if a person has 6 mnths to live do you believe that psychosis would be a consideration for this kind of user? because this is the kind of change in the legislation that is long overdue, but perhaps may be upon us, at least here in NSW. Peace mate.
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I wrote somthing somewhere else on the boards about this, not knowing this thread was runnning,


But you know, the craziest shit that I havent ever heard of before was the claim that an average hydro plant yeilds a grower $20 000 a piece!!


What the fuck??


And if he thought that being in alice springs was like heaven, and then goes home to mum, and kills himself, what should we be reading in this?

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Guest Wilderbud



$20'000 is funny - those police need some new dealers. A pound off one plant isnt easy to do and a pound isnt even worth $20'000 unless you sold it as tinnies. :P

Edited by Wilderbud
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And if he thought that being in alice springs was like heaven, and then goes home to mum, and kills himself, what should we be reading in this?


That was the first thing that struck me when I was reading the article. I'd probably want to top myself too after bonging up 24/7 then going back home to a mother like that. She obviously has issues if she has to turn her sons death into an anti dope campaign in order to deal with whatever unacknowledged guilt she's feeling about her son's death, she sounds like a feckin spinner :P

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Wilderbud Posted on Nov 24 2003, 07:24 PM

  Ill continue...


Marijuana is a mood enhancer and its very good at this as well as being great for pain relief. Phycosis IS a side effect of heavy marijuana use AFAIK [correct me if Im wrong again].


syk613 Posted on Nov 24 2003, 07:49 PM

but the 1st link below (in my sig) gives a reference that states there is no proof mj cause psychological damage, BUT this statement says this hypothesis is very hard to prove, so yes IMO I would agree THC can cause psychosis BUT if a person has 6 mnths to live do you believe that psychosis would be a consideration for this kind of user?


I've never seen anything that shows that cannabis use causes psychosis, or any other serious mental disorder. I've only seen one study which investigated the proportion of those in mental hospitals suffering from schizophrenia who used cannabis. And from that they inferred that cannabis causes schizophrenia, and has been blown out all over the world as "proof" that cannabis causes or elicits the onset of the disease. In reality, it's entirely more likely that those patients were self medicating to alleviate the symptoms of their disease. It's just stupid to take a group of patients, examine what they take and then automatically blame it for their condition regardless of the facts. Many schizophrenics have never touched the stuff... and I'm fairly sure a lot of them would have used alchohol and cigarettes too, isn't it more likely that these proven poisons would be potential causes of such diseases? Perhaps the water in the mental hospital caused it all... there are a lot of sick people in mental hospitals, and they all drink water from the one place, so therefore, water causes mental illness..... :P


I'd like to see any evidence, and evidence, not just conjecture and bad science, that proves, or even infers a strong causal link, between cannabis and mental illness. Because I have never seen one. Of course some people don't like the effects of it, and all people react differently to all drugs. But it's one of the safest substances known to man, and despite 60 years of attempting to discredit it, first as a violent drug, then as a pacifying one, then as an androgen, and now a major cause of mental illness. Bullshit. Let's see this so called evidence.


Oh, and WB and Syk, not pointing any of this ascerbic wit at you guys, It's aimed at the psychs and doctors who've sold their souls to propaganda and pharmaceutical companies. I used to think the same way, that cannabis could cause all kinds of problems and exacerbate all kinds of conditions, but the evidence just isn't there. Or at the least I can't find it. :P


This guy's death is a shame, but his doctor-mother has completely lost the plot. Which is understandable really, she's lost her son, but to blame one drug out of many, and one which is far less harmful than the others he has been shown to have used, is just idiotic. If she's really that completely unenlightened about drug use and potential effects of these, then I'd be very scared to go to her surgery for an appointment. You'd likely come out with a script for crack as a sedative. ::):


She is disgracing her son's memory by using him such, and so are Today Tonight. :angry:

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My father's been smoking hard at it since the 60s, or maybe the very early 70s. i was just a kid anyway.


He's been suffering depression caused by a very over bearing mother since he was just a kid, and as he got older, he seemed to get worse.


Eventually, about 20 years ago, he had a nervous break down and went on Disability sickness. His doctor, before all this mental illenss hype came on, suggeste dhe continue smoking grass, if he felt better for it, and takeit on a go with how u feel basis.


Then, about ten years ago, I was pushing him fairly hard to keep up. I was growin gheaps, a couple hundred miles from his place, but driving it to his area (Byron BAy) to er..umm...pass it around. Every week or so I'd turn up with another load, and insisthe should have finished the ounce I left hi the previous week.


He spun out, and was hospitalised. It turned out he was dsperatly sick with some kind of mental illness, but it'd been there for years and years.


Now, when he smokes regular, he gets cynical, and aggresive. Not physically, emotionally.


but this was a sickness thathe's had his wholelife. has been exasperated (sp?) by low wages and frustrating life he didn't find fullfilling. Many factors really. And now grass does seem to push the wrong buttons on him, although I smoked with him regularly his and my life long, and it was great.


All I can say is he is sick, a disease can't be created by pot as far as I'm concerned, but I'm sur eit can worsen it. Like emphasemia, if uhaveit, smoking pot has to be bad for ya. So if u have a disease that's effected by grass, that's one thing, but I know it didn't cause it.


It's sad but. he still loves grass. He doesn't have any idea it effects himadversly, so in his mind, it's stil a good fun thing to do. And that's what counts I guess.


He is old too now. 60 odd or somthing.




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Guest Wilderbud

Luke, I dont need a doctor to tell me what I experience.


Psychosis means;

1. Any vital action or activity.

2. (Med.) A disease of the mind; especially, a functional mental disorder, that is, one unattended with evident organic changes.


... and in the context I chose to use;

n : any severe mental disorder in which contact with reality is lost or highly distorted.


I do believe marijuana can cause psychosis [this does not mean its permanent or constant].


I have no opinion about schitzophrenia, ADD and OCD etc when it comes to marijuana but I do forget about important things sometimes. I know one person who 'tripped out' with marijuana and ended up in hospital because he had no idea what was happening while he was high. He had a space cake recently and ended up going missing for a few hours [sat on a kerb to watch cars apparently].


Lots of people 'need to do something' while high and it is funny sometimes but it is a state of psychosis according to text-book definitions. I shouldnt have to give examples as it is a common occurence.


I gave up smoking one time when I was smoking really good weed that made me think I needed to go to the toilet all the time - it freaked me out and while I was in a toilet one day I passed out and I do blame the weed for that. I scared the hell out of everyone who was having the session when this happened and when I said it was the weed that was doing it to me. I did have some issues at this stage of my life so we both may be correct although I wont say it doesnt cause psychosis because it can [OK it can effect psychosis - cause is a strong word and badly used here].

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hey Luke, I don't know about the studies you are talking about, but here is my theory speaking off the top of my head....


There would be a certain % of people out there who have existing mental illnesses (depression, schizophrenia for example), where the symptoms are magnified under the influence of pot, and especially chronic use. So if you are one of these people, and happen to be a stoner, you are greatly increasing your chances of having serious problems. This may be why there appears to be a disproportionally large number of dope smokers among the mentaly ill in the studies to which you refer to. Of course to determine that the researches would have to know what % of society in general smokes dope, otherwise their findings are as valid as saying water causes mental illness because all mental patients drink water (as you pointed out)


Other reason could be that pot use, and drug use in general is more prevalent in the lower socio economic groups of society. The other thing that is more prevalent in these groups is poor diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders. Put the two together and you have stoners in the nuthouse. Its more a symptom of society discarding these people rather than pot being the cause of the problem. But its far easier and cheaper to blame it all on the good herb, so thats what the assholes do.

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